Senna Combination from Nature’s Sunshine Products contains herbs historically used to support healthy elimination and the intestinal system.
- Supports healthy elimination
- Supports intestinal system

Senna supports the liver and intestinal system. In encourages intestinal contraction and supports proper waste elimination.
Senna tea can help to flush out excess toxins and residual waste matter out of the body, which may promote weight loss. However, much of the weight that is “lost” is water weight. So, consuming the tea should also be paired with dietary restrictions and exercise to have a full effect.
The sennosides that may be found in this tea may stimulate peristaltic motion and rapid detoxification through its possible laxative effect. This helps treat constipation. Senna is approved by the FDA as a nonprescription laxative
Senna may help in reducing swelling and quick healing of anal fissures and other hemorrhoids due to its laxative effects.
Senna is also well-known as a possible diuretic, meaning it may stimulate urination. This can release excess salts, fats, toxins, and water from the body. Senna can often result in dehydration, so make sure you are staying well hydrate
Senna leaves, fennel seed, ginger rhizome and catnip leaves.
Recommended Use: Take 4 capsules before bedtime. Recommended for occasional use only.
Note: This product contains senna. See your health care provider prior to use if you are pregnant or nursing, any medical condition exists or when taking any medication. Read and follow recommendations carefully. Do not use if diarrhea, loose stools or abdominal pain are present or develop. Use of this product may worsen these conditions and be harmful to your health. Chronic diarrhea can be harmful to your health.
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