Essential Oil bottle

 An essential oil can contain around 100 different types of volatile molecules. Some of these have been classified into larger functional groups that have predictable characteristics. The main groups are monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, phenols, alcohols, ketones, esters, ethers, and oxides. Classifying essential oils into these chemical groups allows understanding of the basic properties and actions of individual oils.


These oils are highly stimulating to both the nervous and immune systems and are bactericidal, antiseptic, and antiviral. In large amounts or concentrations, phenols can be irritating and toxic, especially to the liver. Oils that have a high phenolic content include clove (eugenol), wild oregano (carvacrol) and certain chemotypes types of thyme.


An agent that causes the expelling of gas from the intestine so as to relieve colic or griping.


Acute, stabbing pain radiating along the course of one or more nerves. Having the property of anti-neuralgic would help with the control of pain from the nervous system.


An agent that destroys or expels worms.

Respiratory Help

The past few years have been some of the worst I have ever seen with respiratory problems.  Each year the air quality delicines with more chemicals dumped into the air on a daily basis.  High winds seem to be more frequent stiring up the polution.   The problem most people are complaining about is the continual coughing. 

Vapor Balm for Coughs and Congestion

Combine ingredients and rub onto chest. Cover with a thin cotton cloth.


Mosquitoes no longer are found just in the summer time. We have seen them year around, although there aren’t as many as in summer. There are several different kinds of mosquitoes out and around, If you want to learn more about Michigan mosquitoes, check out this website:.

Now that I’ve made your day with that great news, what can you do when you get bit? Grab your lavender oil and dab some right on the bite to take away the itch and swelling – it’s as easy as that. Other oils that work well are Eucalyptus and Thyme.

Better yet, use one of the following recipes and protect yourself from those nasty insects.

4 drops wild thyme
4 drops geranium
4 drops lavender
4 drops peppermint
Add to 2 tablespoons witch hazel and dilute in 4 oz. water. Spray on skin to deter insect bites.

16 drops Lavender
20 drops Eucalyptus
10 drops Peppermint
2 ounces carrier.

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