Turkey Rhubarb – Acute diarrhea (Rheum palmatum) Pure Herbs Liquid Extract used Historically for Acute diarrhea, constipation, (adaptigen), hemorrhoids, relaxed digestive organs, duodenum, dry mouth.
Turkey Rhubarb – Acute diarrhea Common Names: China Rhubarg, East India Rhubarb
Parts Used: Dried rhizome or root
Bodily Influences: Turkey Rhubarb Pure Herbs Liquid Extract is effective as a bowel regulator. Peculiar in its ability to handle diarrhea and or constipation. It is one of the “thinking herbs”, as it can function as an excellent bowel cleaner to remove more stool than watery discharge. If it encounters diarrhea, it flushes out the cause of the diarrhea by aiding the body in completing the body’s natural enema, called diarrhea. Then the diarrhea stops. Safe for infants. Turkey Rhubarb Pure Herbs Liquid Extract may color the stool red as it has a red coloring agent in it, so do not be alarmed – this is not blood.
Turkey rhubarb is a very powerful purgative and has been used to eliminate harmful bacteria from the gut. The presence of the purgative compounds in this herb makes it an effective colon cleanser. It is also helpful in curing diarrhea.
Turkey rhubarb has innately rich astringent and antibacterial properties. This makes it an effective solution for treating various skin conditions, including burns and sores. Since it has the power to prevent bleeding, it could be used as a potential cure for various minor injuries.
DOSE: 40 to 80 drops evenings, so it can work overnight. More can be taken, if needed, to loosen up chronic accumulations of hardened wastes. In times of diarrhea, 40 to 80 drops, three times per day, with plenty of fluids according to thirst. (If more is needed, then more can be taken without fear.) Not addictive. Can be taken daily to promote, and maintain, normal bowel movements.
Directions on label: For adults, mix 2 ml of extract in 2 oz (60 ml) of water one time daily preferably with a meal.
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