All About Water
Water is the most abundant Substance on Earth, but you don’t have good clean water to drink and bath in you cannot maintain a healthy body,.
Water is the most Abundant Substance on Earth
- A human embryo is more than 80% water
- A newborn baby is about 74% water
- A normal adult is 60-70% water

Water's Role in Human Health
- It is possible to survive without food for several weeks but without water only a few days.
- Water keeps us from poisoning ourselves with waste products and toxins that are a byproduct of metabolism.
- The kidneys use water to dissolve and remove wastes such as uric acid, urea and lactic acid.
- Water acts as a vehicle for a variety of enzymatic and chemical reactions in the body, including digestion and metabolism.
- Water helps regulate body temperature through perspiration.
- Water carries nutrients and oxygen to cells through the blood.
- Water helps lubricate joints
- Water helps us breathe by moistening the lungs to make it easier to take in oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide. We lose a pint of liquid each day with exhalation.
Problems Associated with Not Drinking Enough Water
- Excess body fat (if the body doesn’t get enough water, it has trouble metabolizing the fat)
- Poor digestion
- Increased toxicity in the body
- Muscle and joint soreness
- Water retention (the body retains water when it’s not getting enough)
How Much Water Do You Need for Optimal Health?
- 10 8-oz glasses daily is the amount generally recommended, One way of figuring water needs is to take your weight, divide by 2 and then drink a minimum of that many ounces per day.
- If you’re overweight, live in a hot climate or exercise a lot, you need more.
- Overweight people should drink an extra glass of water for every 25 pounds they’re overweight.
- Spread your water intake throughout the day.
- Beer, coffee, tea and carbonated or sweetened drinks contain many substances that aren’t healthful, such as sugar, alcohol and caffeine. They should not be considered water substitutes.
What about Water Contaminants?
- The United States has one of the safest water supplies in the world; some areas are more at risk than others. Have your water tested if you’re in question.
- Two of the greatest contaminants are added to municiple water supplies to purify it: chlorine or chloramine and fluoride.
- The two most common water contaminants are radon and lead.
- Millions die every year in the third-world countries from water contamination.
- The greatest risk of contamination may occur after the water leaves the water treatment plant.
A) Lead may enter the water as it flows through the pipes to your tap.
B) Backflow can result from stopped-up toilets and sinks.
C) As chlorine rests in the water, it can react with debris leached from pipes to create trihalomethanes, suspected carcinogens. D) Water stored in plastic containers leach chemicals into the water;
What Kind of Water is Best?
- High-quality municipal water isn’t much different from high-quality bottled water.
- Home water-treatments are the most effective way of ensuring safe drinking water.
- Using a Reverse Osmosis or filtration system to filter out the contaminants
- Distilled water has the contaminates eliminated.