


Educate yourself!

The most important thing you can do to protect your health is to learn everthing you can and apply as much as possible.  Education is the key to success in any endeavor.  Learning what options are available will give you the best chance to choose the best course of action for you.

There is a great lack in the educational system of our country. Most people learn about the way the body works from drug commercials on the television. This page is dedicated to education.  To articles and educational information about the way the different systems and organs of the human body function. The information provided is for educational purposes only. If you have a physical problem please contact your health provider for help
Have a happier, healthier day.

Ion Cleanse Foot Bath

tox-i-cant |tok-sih-kent| noun A toxic substance introduced into the environment, such as a pesticide. The term “toxin,” while not the same, has become popularly synonymous to “toxicant.”  In the last several years the increase in contamination in our environment, our food, water and air, has become a concern to many.   Chemicals can be released into

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Liver Health

Very few people understand liver function or even know where the liver is located until they experience pain and are told by their doctor they are having a gall bladder attack.  Understanding the function of the liver and what symptoms might be a result of a sluggish liver can be very important to the person

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