An essential oil can contain around 100 different types of volatile molecules. Some of these have been classified into larger functional groups that have predictable characteristics. The main groups are monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, phenols, alcohols, ketones, esters, ethers, and oxides. Classifying essential oils into these chemical groups allows understanding of the basic properties and actions of individual oils.
These oils, which often smell like lemon, have a very strong aroma. Examples include lemongrass and Melissa. Although lemon essential oil contains some aldehydes, it is classified as a terpene due to its greater concentration of terpenes. Because aldehydes can irritate, they should be diluted for use on the skin. Aldehydes are anti-septic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, calming, and sedating. They help dissolve Kidney Stones and Gallstones. They are stimulating to the Liver and increase circulation to the skin (cellulite). Aldehydes are effective against herpes, calming to Type A (or easily stressed personalities). Bergamot is high in the aldehyde citral. Other aldehydes are: Eucalyptus Citradora, Lemongrass, Lemon verbena.
Cellulite Scrub

- ½ C Cornmeal (medium grind)
- ½ C Cornmeal (coarse grind)
- 1 T sea salt
- 10 drops Pink Grapefruit
- drops Juniper
- 3 drops Lemon
- 3 drops Cypress
To use wet, apply with circular motion with light pressure, remove with water pat dry.
Prevents or arrests the growth of microorganisms
Cleansing Your Brain
Have you ever considered cleaning out your brain? Think about it. We spend many hours cleaning the outside of our body, what do we do to keep our brain functioning at its top level? Many complain about not thinking clearly or having a hard time remembering things, so why not clean out the brain? Consider these suggestions to improve the function of the brain.
Sugar can be very detrimental to brain activity. Every mother knows that if her children eat lots of candy they will be bouncing off the walls. Researchers have found that parents who clean up their children’s diets and limit sweets, have seen a drastic decline in hyperactivity. Work on changing your lifestyle, eat healthier foods, reduce the sugar intake and you will enjoy a brain that is calmer and able to perform better.
Caffeine has been show to decrease blood circulation in the brain. A study conducted by Wake Forest University School of Medicine showed that the average U.S. citizen’s daily consumption of caffeine was the equivalent of just over 2 cups of coffee per day. Consuming just 2 cups of coffee constricted blood vessels in the brain and caused a reduction of blood flow. Reducing or avoiding caffeine is another way to help keep the brain clear.
Essential Oils for Brain Function
Essential oils are excellent for brain function because they are able to go through the blood-brain barrier and carry oxygen to the brain. Try inhaling Purify Refreshing Blend to see how much clearer your thinking becomes.
Here are some essential oils that are often utilized for their potential calming and mood-enhancing properties:
- Lavender oil: Known for its calming and soothing properties, lavender oil is often used to promote relaxation and alleviate stress.
- Peppermint oil: Some people find that the invigorating scent of peppermint can help improve focus and alertness.
- Rosemary oil: It is believed by some to have cognitive-enhancing properties and may help with mental clarity and concentration.
- Bergamot oil: This citrus-scented oil is thought to have mood-balancing effects and may help reduce stress and anxiety.
- Lemon oil: The fresh and uplifting scent of lemon oil is associated with potential mood-boosting effects.
- Frankincense oil: Often used in aromatherapy, frankincense is believed by some to have calming properties and may be beneficial for promoting a sense of tranquility.
Take the time to support your brain function today.
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