Agrimony Bach Flower Remedy (Agrimonia Eupatoria) is for those who hide worries behind a brave face. Distressed by arguments, quarrels and confrontation. Often turn to comfort eating, alcohol, or drugs to help cope.
Those who need the Agrimony Bach Flower Remedy are inwardly troubled by fear and anxiety. They may worry excessively about illness, finances, or problems with their work life. But yet, they present a cheerful, carefree face.
Agrimony Bach Flower Remedy people are sensitive and long for harmony, they go out of their way to be kind to others, and even to sacrifice for them. they’re very popular people, because they spread cheerfulness and downplay any problems in their lives!
Unfortunately for those in need of this Bach flower remedy, Agrimony people not only hide their feelings from the world, they hide their feelings from themselves.
The Agrimony person immerses their life in activities, because being alone causes them to think about themselves and their situations, they avoid being alone. The person you see working for every charitable group in the community may be sorely in need of Agrimony. The Agrimony person may also bounce from one organization to another, because they are easily distracted and have little staying power.
Because they fear confronting their own feelings, these people often turn to alcohol or drugs to drown their sorrows and avoid contemplative thought.
This person resists seeing itself in totality, and is always unbalanced and unable to make contact with its higher self. Luckily, Agrimony Bach flower remedy can bring this personality back into balance.
The tendency toward an Agrimony personality often begins in childhood. Children who have been taught not to show their distress and always to observe proper social conventions are especially at risk. When these children go through normal childhood stages of loneliness and sadness, Agrimony will help them communicate more easily. Adults treating children with Bach Flower remedies should take care not to push, but to let the Bach flower essence do it’s work and simply be available for relaxed conversation.
Agrimony is the Bach flower remedy indicated for release of inner tensions, anxieties and other hidden emotions. It also provides relief to people who are suffering from extreme anxiety disorders and even such disorders as post-traumatic stress syndrome – in which unpleasant memories have been buried.

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