Alfalfa – food (Medicago sativa) – Pure Herbs liquid extract or capsules. Alterative (good for the whole body), CO-Q 10 source, body nutrients, tonic, joints, stomach and arthritic discomfort, stops excess sweating, deodorizes, pituitary gland nutrient. Beneficial for soothing the occasional upset stomach and maintaining joint comfort.
Alfalfa – food Common Names: Lucern and Buffalo Herb.
Parts Used: Leaves.
Bodily Influences: Alfalfa, which has its name from the Arabic language is known as the “father of all foods.” Alfalfa comes to us originally from Asia. Alfalfa is very easy to digest as it contains at least eight active enzymes. These enzymes help a person to digest the food as well as the plant itself. It is always a matter of great humor for herbalists when some chemist isolates a new vitamin and discovers it is also found in Alfalfa. Large quantities of Alfalfa may be eaten for the purpose of relieving joint pains, repairing and maintaining bones, repair of stomach and as a source of hormonal nutrition for the all important pituitary gland. Alfalfa, due to a root system as deep as 125 feet, brings up a rich storehouse of Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorous, and Sodium. These minerals are in excellent balance for a healthy system.
There is no reason to be concerned Alfalfa could contain a harmful amount of sodium. This is not salt shaker sodium. It is an organic plant sodium, which nourishes the blood stream and promotes youthful, flexible joints and helps repair the stomach. Alfalfa provides a balanced spectrum of vitamins and minerals, deodorizes and prevents excess perspiration, stops hemorrhage, soaks up uric and lactic acid to prevent nerve irritation, lubricates joints, relieves pain, deodorizes, and is diuretic (relieves fluid retention).
Recommended Dosage:
20 – 80 drops after each meal and persist until results are achieved. Enjoy the many short range benefits and especially those long range benefits, which occur over months and years.
Directions on label: For adults, mix 2 ml of extract in 2 oz (60 ml) of water one time daily preferably with a meal.
Reference Sources: John Lust, “The Herb Book;” Alma R. Hutchens, “Indian Herbalogy of North America;”.
Health Maintenance herbal products

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