Aspen Bach Flower Remedy (Populus Tremula) helps when feeling apprehension for no known reason. These people are seized by sudden fears and anxieties. Feelings of unexplained anxious anticipation, foreboding, dread.
The negative Aspen Bach Flower Remedy state is a fearful place indeed. Those in need of this Bach flower essence seem to be “caught” in that emotional place that we all pass through every night in our dreams – the place that harbour our personal emotional experiences, along with our notions of heaven and hell, superstitions, and even fairy tale ideas.
Aspen people are inordinately sensitive to impulses and psychic currents around them, such as conflicts in the workplace, the psychic energy of a fellow rider on a bus, and of course, the fear of war, financial disaster, and other “what ifs.” They are often aware of developing conflict before others around them take notice.
Their fear, unfortunately, remains nameless. In the negative Aspen state, sufferers are overcome with fear without being able to say why they are fearful. It’s a “feeling” of dread and anxiety – as if something terrible is about to happen.
In some cases, the fear turns into full-blown anxiety attacks, complete with trembling, bouts of sweating, and fluttery feelings in the stomach. And still, they cannot say why.
Children in need of this Bach flower remedy often believe that the “monster under the bed” may be real, and insist that their bedroom door remain open or that a light be left on all night.
Some Aspen people have a fearful fascination for magic and the occult. Many, even as adults, fear the dark.
After treating with the Aspen Bach Flower Remedy, these people are able to recognize the divine power of love and to consciously use the positive side of the Aspen. They then are able to explore these non-material planes of consciousness without fear, and to use them for their own benefit, and that of others.
Strangely, efforts at self-help can trigger the negative Aspen state. Those who have become too “opened up” by certain group meditation techniques can become overly tuned in and become “stuck” on these planes. Individuals who have been through “bad trips” while on drugs often react similarly.
Treatment with the Aspen Bach Flower Essence allows a person to once again enter into more subtle planes of consciousness and gain access to higher spiritual spheres. After transformation, the person will be able to explore those higher spheres without fear.
Shapeless, nameless, and groundless fears will become a thing of the past.
Children treated with this Bach flower remedy will once again be able to trust in their guardian angels.
20 ml
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