Blessed Thistle – Brain Oxygenation (Centaurea benedicta) Pure Herbs Liquid Extract has been historically used for brain oxygenation, heart, lungs and blood system, promotes mother’s milk, chest complaints, catalyst, energy and sense of well-being through oxygenation, menopause, female puberty, improve liver functions, good potassium source.
Blessed Thistle – Brain Oxygenation Common Names: Holy Thistle, Milk Thistle, Blessed Thistle.
Parts Used: Whole herb
Blessed thistle (Cnicus benedictus) is a flowering plant with sharp prickles on the stems and leaves. It’s native to the Mediterranean region.
Blessed thistle contains chemicals called tannins, which might help with diarrhea, cough, and swelling.
People use blessed thistle for indigestion, infections, wounds, and many other conditions,
Bodily Influences: Thistles are the “poor man’s” oxygen tent. Among those, Blessed Thistle has gained for its distinction the service of oxygenator to heart, lungs, and brain. In disability of the lungs, added oxygenation can often correct conditions caused by congestive waste. Memory and body function are aided greatly by proper oxygenation. Added oxygenation to the heart allows fuel for the machinery to be used properly. When mother’s milk is scant or slow in starting,
Blessed Thistle is the rescuing herb. (40 drops three times a day.) For proper development of the female body during teens or the specter of menopause, Blessed Thistle Pure Herbs Liquid Extract soothes the road (20 to 40 drops 2 to 3 times per day). Blessed Thistle serves as an activating agent and catalyst for all other herbs. Blessed Thistle also shows remarkable activity for proper function of that most valuable organ, the liver.
Recommended Dosage:
40 drops three times per day. 40 drops hourly if needed for shortness of breath.
Possible directions on label: For adults, mix 2 ml of extract in 2 oz (60 ml) of water one time daily preferably with a meal.
References: Dr. Eugene C. Watkins, “Get Well With Natural Remedies;” Dr. John R. Christopher, “School of Natural Healing.”
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