Centaury Bach Flower remedy (Centaurium Umbellatum) is for those who are weak-willed, exploited or imposed upon. Usually timid, quiet, and passive, these people are fearful of rejection and act out of subservience rather than a spirit of willing cooperation.
In the negative Centaury Bach Flower Remedy state, service, devotion to a cause, and a genuine desire to help turn the person into a doormat – unable to say “No” to any request.
Centaury Bach Flower Remedy people are often tired, overworked, and slightly resentful that others take advantage of their good nature. But their desire for recognition and validation prevent them from developing their own individuality. They are simply too fearful of rejection to allow their own distinctive personalities to develop and to stand up for their own wants and needs.
Energy from the Centaury Bach Flower Essence will help restore contact with the powers of one’s own will.
Some believe that the negative Centaury state may represent a desire to avoid growing up. By remaining emotionally child-like and doing as they are bidden, these people do not have to learn to discriminate and decide. The choices are all made for them.
People with emerging psychic abilities often fall into a negative Centaury state for a time. This is the result of a lack of balance when the psychic faculties become stronger than the will. In this state, people are easily made unsure, hurt, and upset. They may also become physically ill for no apparent reason.
Those who fall under the spell of “enlightened” teachers are especially at risk of losing their own personalities and weakening their own chances of personal development.
After treatment with Centaury Bach Flower Remedy, people realize that rushing to assist is not always helpful to others, as they hinder the learning process for both parties.
They will also be able to say no, and to give service when and where it is appropriate.
Another time when Bach Flower Remedies are indicated is after a prolonged illness, when the person has been unable to do anything for himself. At this time, Centaury will give new vitality to mind and body and allow the person to “return to living.”

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