Chestnut Bud Bach Flower Remedy is for the person who cannot focus attention and refuses to learn by experience–continually repeats same mistakes. These people do their best to forget past difficulties and thus have no solid basis on which to base future decisions.

When Dr. Bach formulated his Bach Flower Essences, no one was speaking about Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), but it would appear that those in the negative Chestnut Bud state do suffer from the condition. They seem not to be able to focus attention and learn from any experience, but instead to keep repeating them, and making the same mistakes over and over.
The negative Chestnut Bud Bach Flower person is self-willed and acts almost in childish defiance of the Higher Self.
A person with this energy imbalance may date the same kind of person over and over, with the same unhappy results each time. They may buy the same color shirt repeatedly, even though the color doesn’t flatter them and thus they don’t wear the shirts.
Those needing the Chestnut Bud Bach flower therapy seem almost determined not to recognize cause and effect in their lives. Since the physical body does react to the spiritual state, these people are often ill – and if they stopped to recognize the patterns in their life, they would probably see that their illnesses are often triggered by the same life events – repeated over and over.
These could come from personal relationships, such as an argument with a loved one, or from job-related stresses.
Chestnut Bud appears to be a state of very young energy, and is frequently seen in children. These youngsters seem inattentive and absent-minded – always ready to fly off to a new adventure rather than carry through with present tasks. They’re forgetful, easily distracted, and are often mis-diagnosed as “slow” because their lack of attention prevents them from absorbing their lessons.
When treated with the Chestnut Bud Bach flower remedy, the person achieves better co-ordination between their inner thought activity and the physical situation. They begin to learn from their own experiences as well as the observation of other’s experiences.

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