Chickweed – Contact Healer – Emollient


Chickweed – Contact Healer – Emollient (Stellaria media) Pure Herbs Liquid Extract has been used historically as a Contact healer, refrigerant, emollient (soother and softener), discutient (dissolves fat and tumors), weight loss, high iron.

Chickweed – Contact Healer – Emollient (Stellaria media) Pure Herbs Liquid Extract has been used historically as a Contact healer, refrigerant, emollient (soother and softener), discutient (dissolves fat and tumors), weight loss, high iron.


Chickweed – Contact Healer – Emollient Common Names: Scarwort, Satinflower, Starweed, Stitchwort, Huehnerbliss.

The herb called chickweed (Stellaria media), also sometimes referred to as common chickweed, is a plant native to Europe that’s used for several medicinal purposes. There are actually several different species of plants in the Stelleria genus that are called chickweed, which are members of the carnation plant family (Caryophyllaceae).

The plant earned its name due to the cluster of white flowers it produces. According to the Wild Foods and Medicines website, stellaria means “star” and media means “in the midst of.”

Parts Used: The whole herb.

Bodily Influences: Chickweed is one of the all-purpose herbs. It has the effect of soothing and healing whatever it comes in contact with. Chickweed has been used on shrunken tissues such as the drawing up the fingers where tendons will not relax. Congestion of the liver is often opened up with Chickweed by internal and external use.

The ranges of chest troubles helped by Chickweed Pure Herbs Liquid Extract include pleurisy, coughs, colds, bronchitis, and hoarseness. In addition to these, the list of known relief includes the following: rheumatism, inflamed and weak bowels, stomach inflammation, kidney trouble, scurvy, ease the heat of hemorrhoids and their sharp pains, and open the tiny blood vessels around the liver so that it is soft and functioning.

It should also be mentioned that Chickweed is much prized by the American Indians for swelling of all kinds, redness of the face, boils, blood poisoning, cancer-swollen testes, and ulcerated throat and mouth.

Recommended Dosage: 20 to 60 drops three times per day in tea or under the tongue. Can be applied externally over the kidneys on gauze soaked with the extract.

Directions on label: For adults, mix 2 ml of extract in 2 oz (60 ml) of water one time daily preferably with a meal.

References: Alma R. Hutchens, “Indian Herbalogy of North America;” Dr. John R. Christopher, “School of Natural Healing.”

Respiratory system herbs

Weight N/A

1 ounce, 4 ounce


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