Cholester-Reg II – cholesterol levels, from Nature’s Sunshine Products herbs historically used to support and maintain healthy triglycerides
90 Ct
Cholester-Reg® II – Cholesterol Levels Benefits:
- Supports normal-range cholesterol levels.
- Helps maintain already-normal platelet aggregation (clotting).
- Relaxes smooth muscles and improves microcirculation.
- Helps maintain LDL and triglyceride levels already in the normal range.
- Promotes immune system strength.
- Provides antioxidant benefits that may help promote good health and protect the heart.
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How Cholester-Reg® II – Cholesterol Levels Works:
Each ingredient in this formula plays an important role in the effectiveness of the product.
- Policosanol appears to perform a similar action in the body as red rice extract. Plant sterols compete with the absorption of cholesterol in the body. Excess plant sterols are not absorbed by the body but are eliminated. Human studies show that policosanol can effectively play a role in maintaining cholesterol levels already in the normal range and that it can help maintain already-normal platelet aggregation (clotting).
- Inositol nicotinate helps relax smooth muscles and improves microcirculation. Resveratrol maintains LDL and triglyceride levels already in the normal range.
- Artichoke powder benefits the liver, promotes digestion and is popular in Europe for its ability to maintain cholesterol levels that are already in the normal range.
Artichoke leaves, phytosterols, inositol nicotinate, resveratrol and policosanol.
Recommended Use:
Take 1 capsule with a meal three times daily.
CAUTION: Do not take this product if: pregnant, lactating or planning to become pregnant. Consult your health care professional before using if you are currently taking any cholesterol-lowering agents. Cholesterol levels should be checked regularly. For adults 20 years or older only. Keep out of the reach of children.

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