CLT-X from Nature’s Sunshine Products is an herbal combination with herbs historically used to support the Digestive and intestinal systems
100 Caps
- Supports the intestinal system.
How It Works:
- Slippery elm and marshmallow root are mucilaginous herbs that can help soothe the bowel. They may help alleviate occasional intestinal distress.
- Ginger adds digestive support.
Natural help for intestinal issues can be found in CLT-X formula.
This traditional blend—featuring slippery elm, marshmallow, ginger and lobelia—supports digestion, soothes the intestinal tract, and helps alleviate occasional intestinal
Slippery elm is a species of elm native to eastern North America. When mixed with water, the soft, inner bark of the slippery elm tree becomes gel-like and soothing. Slippery elm has been used traditionally to support the digestive system and the mucosal lining of the gut. In the 1800s, Native Americans used slippery elm for a variety of benefits, including support for gastrointestinaI tract health to soothe intestinal tissues and for digestive and immune support. They also used it as a topical application for the skin. Early European settlers adopted this herb and its traditional use spread to include coughs, sore throat and gastrointestinal issues.
Though popularized as a candy by French confectioners in the mid-1800’s, marshmallow has a long history of use. Ancient Egyptians used it to help with respiratory concerns, but
they reserved its use solely for the gods and royalty. Marshmallow is well-known for its soothing properties, especially for the mucous membranes. Since the stomach and intestines are lined with these protective membranes, marshmallow helps the body get rid of substances that often collect or stick to these membranes. And, marshmallow’s
pectin fiber is capable of carrying a host of substances out of the body.
Ginger has been used as both food and medicine in Asia for thousands of years. Although it originated in Southeast Asia, its use spread throughout the eastern and western civilizations where it was valued for cooking, digestive support and its medicinal merits. Traditionally, ginger helped with a laundry list of complaints, including cold, fever, joint discomfort, aches, cramps, nervous system support, oral health, circulatory health, plus indigestion, gas, nausea and vomiting. Researchers have found that ginger may help settle the stomach during times of occasional nausea, motion sickness and morning sickness.
Also known as female ginseng, dong quai benefits the circulatory, nervous and immune systems. A relative of celery and carrots, Chinese physicians
Other Digestive System Products from Nature’s Sunshine Products

CLT-X Ingredients: Slippery elm bark, marshmallow root, ginger rhizome, dong quai root, wild yam root and lobelia aerial parts. This is a Kosher Product
Recommended Use: Take 2 capsules with a meal three times daily.
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This information is about historical observations and historical information relating to herbs. This information is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice by licensed physicians. A person should consult a physician regularly in all matters relating to medical problems, especially in matters of diagnosing, treating or curing dis-eases or other physical or mental conditions.
This information has not been verified by the American Medical Association or the Food and Drug Administration.
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