Dong Quai – Hormones (Angelica sinensis) Pure Herbs Liquid Extract used Historically for Regulating hormones, menopause, hormone replacement, estrogen hormone balance.
Dong Quai – HormonesProperties and Uses: Regulates hormones, menopause, hormone replacement, estrogen hormone balance.
Common Names: Dong Quai
Parts Used: Root
The Dong Quai in Dong Quai Pure Herbs Liquid Extract is from China. The root of this, Chinese Angelica, herb is a time proven and tested remedy for feminine distress. Dong Quai Pure Herbs Liquid Extract contains a very remarkable type of phyto-estrogen (vegetable source estrogen). It can act as estrogen for the woman if needed. If, on the other hand, estrogen levels are too high in the body, this phyto-estrogen competes with the body’s estrogen for activity sites and lowers the body’s estrogen levels to normal. This explains the apparent contradiction of why herbalists have successfully recommended Dong Quai Pure Herbs Liquid Extract for maladies we now know were caused by a condition of too high or too low levels of estrogen.
For example when P.M.S. (Pre-Menstrual-Syndrome) occurs and there is too much estrogen, Dong Quai Pure Herbs Liquid Extract is recommended. When menopause occurs there is too little estrogen, once again, Dong Quai Pure Herbs Liquid Extract is recommended. In both cases, Dong Quai can handle the job. This causes people who work with synthetic estrogen in the orthodox medical field much consternation and head shaking. They are used to drugs that act in a limited manner with possible undesirable side effects and not the safe balanced multi-task capability with which many herbs are endowed.
Dong Quai Pure Herbs Liquid Extract strengthens and oxygenates all of the female organs. Circulation is restored and “dryness” is solved. Traumatic injuries such as during child birth and operations are corrected. Pelvic congestion is corrected and expelled.
The antibiotic nature of Dong Quai to eliminate infection and thus calm nerves, as well as its hormonal balancing ability can be especially helpful in cases of a condition labeled “endometriosis” where there is infection and or uterus lining cells (endometrium) get scattered and grow in many unusual parts of the body where they have no business being, even in the lungs and nasal passages. These, then are also active hormonal sites which can throw the body into an uproar. Dong Quai Pure Herbs Liquid Extract can help to correct this hormonal imbalance, as well as, the infection.
DOSE: For menstrual disturbances, starting 10 days before and during the period, 40 drops three times per day after meals. For correcting more serious problems, increase from 1 tsp. to 1 Tbl. 1 time per day and, if found really necessary, 3 times per day until problem(s) disappear. For maintenance, 40 drops per day.
DOSE: In cases called “endometriosis”, 40 to 80 drops three times per day internally, and externally apply 80 drops three times per day on the lower abdomen. Also, institute a bowel maintenance program which produces 2, and preferably 3, easy and complete bowel movements per day. (SEE: Cascara Sagrada, Buckthorn or C.C.E.-W.)
Directions on label: For adults, mix 2 ml of extract in 2 oz (60 ml) of water one time daily preferably with a meal.
Other reproductive health supporting herbs
Estrogens and bone health in men
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