E-W – Eyes


E-W – Eyes Pure Herbs Liquid Extract used Historically for Eyes, congestion in eyes, conjunctivitis, visual impairment.

E-W – Eyes Pure Herbs Liquid Extract used Historically for Eyes, congestion in eyes, conjunctivitis, increase circulation to eyes visual impairment.


Eyes and visual machinery can be repaired. E-W – Eyes Pure Herbs Liquid Extract can help increase circulation to eyes and optic nerve, retina and lens. Flooding oxygen to the congested areas of the eyes. Pressure-causing sinus deposits are liquefied and strings of matter may be expelled from the eyes in the cleaning process. This is not an infection, but rather a cleaning of the material clogging up the circulatory and sinus passages around the eyes. Optic nerve reception can be sharpened.

A very serviceable eye wash can be made from 20 to 40 drops of E-W in ½ cup of distilled water. Obtain a couple of plastic eye cups, fill with the dilution ( the eye wash is best used when it is at room temperature to reduce stinging, which is a normal response as circulation improves), place over the eyes, lean the head back, and let them go swimming for 5 minutes, 3 times per day. Flutter the eyes around in the dilution. Flush out the congestion, revive the circulation to the eyes, improve the vision and flush out cataracts. If eye cups are unavailable, saturate two cotton balls with the dilution, hold over the upper bony ridge of the eyes and squeeze slightly so that drops can trickle into the eyes. Repeat until well.

COMBINATION: Wood Betony, Eyebright, Bayberry.

DOSE: 10 to 40 drops after meals. Also rub 40 drops on the sides of the nose, over the upper cheek bones and on the temples and forehead, 3 times per day, and as given above.

Directions on label: For adults, mix 2 ml of extract in 2 oz (60 ml) of water one time daily preferably with a meal.

E&E-B Ears and Eyes

Eye Function


Weight N/A

1 ounce, 4 ounce


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