We all want balance, and multiple trips to the bathroom at night is NOT it. Find your Equolibrium™ today! Achieve balance and protect your prostate with Equolibrium™ from Nature’s Sunshine Products.
- Contains equol, the only known molecule clinically shown to bind to DHT to protect the prostate
- Supports healthy prostate function and urinary flow without side effects
- Helps improve sleep duration
- Supports healthy prostate cell replication
WHY Equolibrium™ – protect your Prostate?
It’s proven. Our vegan, non-GMO Equolibrium™ was clinically studied at the Hughes Center for Research and Innovation. In addition to being safe, equol was shown to significantly improve the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) in men 50-80 years old. These scores are based on urination frequency, urgency, intermittency, straining and more.
Before its launch in 2014, Equolibrium™ was tested on men age 50 to 80 with prostate concerns that interrupted sleep. Clinical tests provided excellent results as to Equolibrium’s™ ability to support healthy prostate function and urinary flow. Equol’s unique DHT-binding ability protects the prostate without triggering the side effects that can be caused by enzyme-blocking products.
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Ingredients: 6 mg Equol per capsule.
Recommended Use: Take 1 capsule twice daily. Best results seen after 3–6 months of use

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