FCSII with Lobelia – glandular from Nature’s Sunshine Products combines herbs used historically to provide nutritional support to the female reproductive and urinary system.
100 Ct
FCSII with Lobelia – Glandular Benefits:
- Provides nutritional support for the female reproductive system.
- Supports the urinary and glandular systems.
Female glandular support with herbal extracts including Dong Quai and Black Cohosh roots, Queen of the Meadow herb, Blessed Thistle and Red Raspberry leaf.
FCS II with Lobelia contains Red raspberry leaves which can nutritionally support the entire female reproductive system.
Blessed thistle has been acclaimed by herbalists throught history as important for female reproductive organs.
Dong quai root benefits the circulatory, nervous and immune systems.
Queen of the Meadow herb has been traditionally used for the urinary system as it helps keep fluids of the body balanced.
Black cohosh root is used by many women during and after menopause and is known to aid the structural and muscular systems.
Lobelia is not an addictive herb, but it does have certain chemicals that have similar effects as nicotine. Rather than being addictive, however, this chemical can help people overcome their addiction to nicotine, so this herb is known as a good aid for quitting smoking. The components of lobelia, including alkaloids, calcium, vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium, as well as unique antioxidants lobeline and lobelanine, are the cause of this herb’s many benefits.
Red raspberry leaves, blessed thistle aerial parts, dong quai root, queen of the meadow leaf, marshmallow root, lobelia aerial parts, ginger rhizome, black cohosh rhizome and root extract, capsicum fruit and goldenseal root extract.
Recommended Use:
Take 2 capsules with a meal three times daily.
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