Golden Days – Fluid Retention Pure Herbs Liquid Extract is an herbal formula designed to eliminate fluid retention in the body due to parasitic infection.
Golden Days – Fluid Retention story: You hear of people just swelling up with fluid so badly that the heart can’t pump right any more. The increased fluid pressure causes the heart to labor terribly. Also the kidneys get damaged by this excess pressure and the whole body suffers because they can’t filter out the fluid fast enough. The urine and other poisons back up in the system causing the body to retain even more fluid. These are life threatening conditions. If they cannot be corrected you may lose the person.
This was the condition the Amish herbal practitioner Solomon Wickey found himself in. He was drowning in his own fluids. His lungs would fill up with fluid and the lower part of his body remained swollen. He could not function. The doctors could offer only temporary relief with things to force excess fluid out of the body. But this did not tell him what the cause of his problem was, let alone solve this life threatening condition.
He almost died several times in the clutch of his suffering. Solomon had to solve this problem himself. In his desperation, as a man of great faith and love for the Creator’s herbs, he reached out for guidance and help. An herbal formula arose from this search and it worked! Solomon called the formula GOLDEN DAYS.
He revealed that a microscopic parasite gets into the brain and spine. (This area is known as the Central Nervous System or C.N.S.). The parasite interferes with the message sent from the brain and spine to the body parts. This causes paralysis type problems in the brain and spine and the function of the organs and glands they service. A weakening of the muscles and other very serious problems occur that go by many different names.
We get the parasite from horses, dogs and other types of pets. Solomon says about 84% of the population is affected. He named the formula to correct this affliction GOLDEN DAYS because this sickness usually affects people later in life from their 50’s on up. Here are some of the many functions of the formula’s herbal parts.
- Elecampane keeps body cells tolerating each other (even in organ transplants).
- Siberian Ginseng (Hemidesmus indicus) is used to get rid of harmful radiation.
- Bladderwrack eliminates aluminum from the glands and body cells that forms the environment in which the parasite thrives.
- Fenugreek not only produces healthy sperm cells, it bring about the process of other cellular repair.
COMBINATION: Reformulated Black Cohosh, Bladderwrack, Chlorella, Elecampane, Fenugreek, Indian Sarsaparilla
DOSAGE: 40 drops to 1 tsp. Every 3 hours while awake as needed or as recommended by your natural care practitioner. If preferred and or if the person cannot swallow, use GOLDEN DAYS externally. Apply to the entire length of the spine from the tip of the tailbone on up to the back of the neck. Make the application the width of the person’s hand.
Directions on label: For adults, mix 2 ml of extract in 2 oz (60 ml) of water one time daily preferably with a meal.
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