Horsetail, kosher herb from Nature’s Sunshine Products historically used to support the structural system, skin and connective tissue, urinary and respiratory tracts.
- Supports the structural system, including the skin and connective tissue.
- Provides nutritional support for the urinary and respiratory tracts.
- Strengthens hair and nails.
- Is rich in minerals, especially organic silica and selenium.
Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) is an herbal remedy that dates back to ancient Roman and Greek times. It was used traditionally to stop bleeding, heal ulcers and wounds, and treat tuberculosis and kidney problems. The name Equisetum is derived from the Latin roots equus, meaning “horse,” and seta, meaning “bristle.”
Horsetail contains silicon, which helps strengthen bone. For that reason, some practitioners recommend horsetail as a treatment for osteoporosis. It is also used as a diuretic, and as an ingredient in some cosmetics. However, few studies have investigated horsetail’s effect in humans.
In addition to silicon, horsetail contains large amounts of flavonoids, quercetin, sterols and saponins.
Recommended Use: Take 2 capsules with meals three times daily.
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