Kelp – Energy (Fucus versiculosus) Pure Herbs Liquid Extract used Historically for Energy, hair, stress, iodine source, calcium source, magnesium source, potassium source, vital trace elements, weight reduction, add to animal food to prevent frequent veterinary visits.
Kelp – Energy Common Names: Sea Wrack, Bladder Fucus, Seaweed, Sea Oak, Kelpware, Black Tany.
Parts Used: Leaves.
Kelp Pure Herbs Liquid Extract made from the valuable sea vegetable, kelp, growing as tall as a 100 feet (approximately 30 meters) up from under the water, supported by balloon like gas bladders, can be put to the same uses as Irish Moss (see Irish Moss). Hands and feet that stay cold year around, hands that tremble when they are extended and the fingers are spread, “thick neck” (the base of the neck is swollen due to an enlarged thyroid gland), unusual fears, not liking to wear tight fitting clothes around the neck, weak or brittle nail and hair growth, easy weight gain; any, or all of these, are indications of needing food for the thyroid gland.
Kelp Pure Herbs Liquid Extract differs, however, in generally containing more iodine salts and is therefore, more aggressive in its support of thyroid function. A person should use smaller amounts in the beginning to become accustomed to its stimulating effects. Kelp is known as an excellent storehouse of other minerals, including an impressive amount of calcium and magnesium, as well as vital trace elements.
Kelp Pure Herbs Liquid Extract is considered a must by many natural practitioners as part of the diet, when dieting, to prevent mineral depletion due to reduced food intake. Kelp Pure Herbs Liquid Extract increases the metabolism of the body to burn calories more rapidly. This is quite important in people that tend to gain weight very easily. Kelp Pure Herbs Liquid Extract is also highly valued as a diuretic if excess fluid build up.
DOSE: 10 to 20 to 40 drops per meal or 3 times per day. This amount can be doubled if the hands and or feet do not warm up.
Directions on label: For adults, mix 2 ml of extract in 2 oz (60 ml) of water one time daily preferably with a meal.

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