L-W – Lungs Pure Herbs Liquid Extract used Historically for Lungs, repairs damage or congested lungs, for those quitting smoking, improves lung capacity.
L-W – Lungs Pure Herbs Liquid Extract is a much valued and appreciated lung combination which helps people to breathe easier. Lungs are cleaned of mucus and repaired; lung tissue is strengthened and returned to healthy pink with improved lung capacity to utilize oxygen better. Especially helpful for damaged and congested lungs. Very beneficial for sports activities to maintain performance during continuous athletic competition or strenuous activity.
From the Spanish language we have the name Yerba Santa, or, as we would say in English “Herb Saint”. This herb of the high desert mountains in the desert southwest of the U.S., with its gray-white miniature trumpet flowers, has long been revered by the Spanish community as a life-saving lung herb. The clean refreshing scent and taste of Yerba Santa Pure Herbs Liquid Extract immediately suggest the relief it affords for removing mucus, draining fluid from lungs and their restoration to normal function.
Mullein Pure Herbs Liquid Extract is a remedy for air pollution and damage to the lungs. As further proof of its pollution converting properties, you can often see it growing near expressways and interstate highways making good clean oxygen out of the hydrocarbon pollution. Nature often puts the remedy near the problem. Long before there were roads or paved highways, the Native American peoples smoked Mullein leaves to relieve lung congestion
COMBINATION: Yerba Santa, Mullein, Indian Tobacco, Marshmallow, Gentian, Blessed Thistle.
Recommended Dosage: 40 drops, 3 times per day. In more serious cases, also rub in quantity necessary to cover chest and back, 1 to 3 times per day.
Directions on label: For adults, mix 2 ml of extract in 2 oz (60 ml) of water one time daily preferably with a meal.

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