Lactase Plus from Nature’s Sunshine Products, enzyme which aids in the breakdown of diary foods and supports digestion in an herbal base.
- Supports the digestive process.
- Aids in the breakdown of dairy foods.
Lactase and protease enzymes help people who have difficulty digesting dairy products by aiding the breakdown of milk sugar and milk protein. This is an effective and convenient solution for people with lactose intolerance.
For many people, it’s not just the lactose (milk sugar) in dairy products that causes bloating, gas and other discomfort; it’s also the protein and fat. Lactase Plus combines lactase, lipase and protease for maximum digestion to minimize discomfort. This product contains an exclusive herbal blend that relaxes and soothes the stomach, and supports digestion.
Lactase is an enzyme produced by many organisms. It is located in the brush border of the small intestine of humans and other mammals. Lactase is essential to the complete digestion of whole milk; it breaks down lactose, a sugar which gives milk its sweetness. People who have deficiency of lactase, and consume dairy products, may experience the symptoms of lactose intolerance.[
Ingredients: Lactase, protease, lipase, beet root fiber, potassium citrate, caraway seed, dandelion root, fennel seed, gentian root and ginger rhizome.
Recommended Use: Take 1–2 capsules up to 3 times daily before consuming foods and beverages containing lactose.
Lactase is an enzyme that some people are unable to produce in their small intestine.[5] Technology to produce lactose-free milk, ice cream, and yogurt was developed by the USDA Agricultural Research Service in 1985.[6] This technology is used to add lactase to milk, thereby hydrolyzing the lactose naturally found in milk, leaving it slightly sweet but digestible by everyone.[7] Without lactase, lactose intolerant people pass the lactose undigested to the colon[8] where bacteria break it down, creating carbon dioxide and that leads to bloating and flatulence.
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