Lobelia, kosher herb from Nature’s Sunshine Products historically used to support the nervous system and calm the nervous system.
Breathe deep and chill at a higher, more natural level. With hundreds of years of traditional use, Lobelia offers natural components that calm the nervous system.
- Supports the respiratory system
- Calms the nervous system.
- Works as a universal relaxant.
Lobelia herb possesses many properties that make it valuable to the respiratory system. It has the ability to work as both a stimulant (in small doses) and as a calmative (in larger doses). One of its key constituents, lobeline, acts in a way similar to nicotine.
Lobelia is actually an entire genus of flowering plants that are primarily found in tropical and temperate areas of the world. There are more than 400 species in this genus, all of which go by the common name of lobelias. One of the most popular varieties for its medicinal properties is Lobelia inflata, commonly called Indian tobacco. The aboveground parts of the plant can be used for many different treatments. [1
This is not an addictive herb, but it does have certain chemicals that have similar effects as nicotine. Rather than being addictive, however, this chemical can help people overcome their addiction to nicotine, so this herb is known as a good aid for quitting smoking. The components of lobelia, including alkaloids, calcium, vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium, as well as unique antioxidants lobeline and lobelanine, are the cause of this herb’s many benefits.
Ingredients: Lobelia aerial parts.
Recommended Use: Take 1 capsule daily with a meal.
Product Variations: Lobelia Essence (2 fl. oz.) Stock Number: 1765
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