Marshmallow – reduce inflammation (Arthea officinalis) Pure Herbs Liquid Extract used Historically to Reduce inflammation, poison absorber, lubricant, repairer, coats and lubricates kidney stones to slide them out.
Marshmallow – reduce inflammation Common Names: Marshmallow Root, Mallards, Mauls, Sweetweed, Cheese Plant, Mortification Root, Wymote, Althea.
Parts Used: Root (has greater strength), leaves and flowers.
Bodily Influences: The root of this plant is the source of the original Marshmallow candy still seen in supermarkets but no longer made from the plant. Three virtues characterize Marshmallow Pure Herbs Liquid Extract’s corrective properties. The root is particularly rich as a source of Calcium, Oxygen, and Pectin (jelling agent like that found under the peelings of apples).
This combination of virtues is tailor made for soothing inflammation in any hollow organ, especially lungs, urinary system and reproductive system as well as the food canal. Marshmallow Pure Herbs Liquid Extract in these areas sticks to surfaces and absorbs mucous and poisons.
It also serves as a lubricant. For anyone who suspects stones in the kidney, it would be wise to take Marshmallow Pure Herbs Liquid Extract on a daily basis to coat stones and allow them to slide easily out of the body instead of the more usual excruciatingly painful experience. Anyone who has left claw marks passing stones can easily confirm the need for Marshmallow Pure Herbs Liquid Extract .
Marshmallow Pure Herbs Liquid Extract is often used externally as a poultice (pole’-.tiss) for gathered breasts or mastitis (see Formula #11). A poultice is an herb, usually moistened, wrapped in cloth and applied to the body.
Marshmallow Pure Herbs Liquid Extract has been used to great effect in these conditions, colds, coughs, lung disorders, swollen glands, chronic constipation, swollen joints, kidney hemorrhages, laryngitis, skin boils, vaginal irritation, psoriasis, bedsores, gum boils, teething children, weak digestion, diarrhea and infections. The powdered root can be sprinklered into bed sores to rapidly heal them.
Use marshmallow. to reduce inflammation.
Recommended Dosage: 40 drops one to three times per day. If crisis, 1 tsp. to 1 Tbsp. as needed internally.
Directions on label: For adults, mix 2 ml of extract in 2 oz (60 ml) of water one time daily preferably with a meal.References: Dr. Alexander Greenfield, “Herbs Medicinal;” Dr. John R. Christopher, “School of Natural Healing.”

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