Mistletoe- Build immunity formerly Golden Bough (Viscum flavescens) Pure Herbs Liquid Extract (Mistletoe) used Historically to Build immunity, prevent reoccurrence of “bad cells” in Germany, lowers chronic high blood pressure, white spots under nails, aggravated sleep, selenium source.
Mistletoe- Build immunity Properties and Uses: Build immunity, prevent reoccurrence of cancer in Germany, lowers chronic high blood pressure, white spots under the nails, aggravated sleep, selenium source.
Common Names: Mistletoe, Birdlime.
Parts Used: Leaves.
Golden Bough ( Mistletoe) – The leaves are the parts used in making Golden Bough Pure Herbs Liquid Extract not the berries. As such, they are beneficial to your health, contrary to what you may have been taught. This is like the old problem with the potato, the part you eat comes from under the ground and is a good food. If you cook and eat the part that grows above the ground it can kill you. You don’t fear eating potatoes, and you need have no fear of adding mistletoe leaves to your diet. Golden Bough Pure Herbs Liquid Extract is for nerves that are worn to a frazzle. If you feel like crying when someone points their finger at you, it’s Mistletoe time. Due to our ancestral memory, many of us do still associate this plant with joy and well being at Christmas time.
Golden Bough / Mistletoe has historically been used to lower chronic high blood pressure due to nervous tension and to correct balance problems and epilepsy, nervous system instability, anxiety, paralysis, weak pulse, poor outflow of blood with each heart contraction (tired from walking across the room), enlarged heart and water retention, by putting 40 to 80 drops of Golden Bough along with an equal amount of Herbal Adj. in a cup and drink it as needed.
Golden Bough / Mistletoe Pure Herbs Liquid Extract among its other virtues, is a beautiful storehouse for the mineral element zinc, which prevents the formation of certain cancers. In Germany, Mistletoe is given medically to post-operative cancer patients to raise their immunity and thus prevent reoccurrence of the cancer. Let’s take it now and avoid the problem altogether.
Use Mistletoe to help build your immunity.
DOSE: 5 to 40 to 80 drops every 4 hours, while awake, as needed for crisis periods. 40 to 80 drops daily for maintenance.
Directions on label: For adults, mix 2 ml of extract in 2 oz (60 ml) of water one time daily preferably with a meal.

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