MPS-I – Menopause Pure Herbs Liquid Extract used Historically for women that are experiencing the ill effects of menopause.
MPS-I – Menopause Pure Herbs Liquid Extract was formulated by certified Herbalist Sandra Inman. This combination is for women that are experiencing the uncomfortable effects of menopause. When symptoms of menopause (the female body’s ability to have children stops as age advances, monthly egg preparation and cleansing flow stops, discomfort can result) and the hormones are out of balance. This can’t be corrected overnight, but they can be balanced naturally over time. MPS-I Pure Herbs Liquid Extract has been historically used to calm the nerves, boosting mood and energy while protecting the heart, bones, and skin, as well as, alleviating hot flashes.
Menopause and its tortures and many widespread female problems are handled routinely by Black Cohosh Pure Herbs Liquid Extract. The action of Black Cohosh on the circulatory system is to slow the heartbeat and strengthen its output as well as increase the pulse strength. At the same time, it acts as an arterial and nerve sedative which is most important to reduce hypertension (nerve-induced high blood pressure) and far safer than Digitalis.
The Dong Quai in Dong Quai Pure Herbs Liquid Extract is from China. The root of this, Chinese Angelica, herb is a time proven and tested remedy for feminine distress. Dong Quai Pure Herbs Liquid Extract contains a very remarkable type of phyto-estrogen (vegetable source estrogen). It can act as estrogen for the woman if needed. If, on the other hand, estrogen levels are too high in the body, this phyto-estrogen competes with the body’s estrogen for activity sites and lowers the body’s estrogen levels to normal. T
Combination: Black Cohosh, Dong Quai, Sarsaparilla, Strawberry Leaf, Damiana, Rosemary, Passion Flower, Evening Primrose, Sunflower Seed, Red Raspberry Leaf, Red Clover, Flax Seed).
Recommended Dosage: 40 to 80 drops 3 times a day.
Directions on label: For adults, mix 2 ml of extract in 2 oz (60 ml) of water one time daily preferably with a meal.

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