N-W – Nerves Pure Herbs Liquid Extract used Historically for Nerves, repairs nerves, relieve tension, improve coordination and control of body functions by brain. (Indian Tobacco, Blue Vervain, Scullcap, Hops, Valerian Root).
N-W – Nerves – A great nervous system combination would combine a repair crew for nerve repair and calming of the nerves, at the same it is doing its repair work. The herbs in N-W stabilize the nerves and dissolve the tension so you have a chance to deal with the problems while promoting better coordination and control of the body functions controlled by the brain. Makes emotional tension impossible to hold on to.
Indian Tobacco Pure Herbs Liquid Extract is perhaps the most serviceable, responsible and reliable herb of the herbal kingdom. It is a wonder systems regulator, and as Dr. John Christopher remarked it is one of the “thinking” herbs. It has the power to coordinate, direct and assist the use of other herbs or act alone, which makes it an herb of much leverage.
Blue Vervain – Tonic Bodily Influences: Blue Vervain can often help a person obtain a calmer condition and the world appears less disturbing, when the pace of life pushes a person instead of them controlling it. In conditions of flabbiness and unambitious circulation, new vigor is afforded.
Scullcap should be thought of at once when there is suffering of hypertension or stress. Scullcap does not produce a zombie-like effect as drugs often do, but works to normalize activity and prevent hyperactivity.
Hops Pure Herbs Liquid Extract can help you sleep well, calm nerves, provides hormones, especially for the female system.
Valerian Root Pure Herbs Liquid Extract, with its gentle, proven source of absorb-able vegetable calcium, can be taken on a regular basis during the day as it is also nonaddictive. Valerian Root Pure Herbs Liquid Extract does not produce side effects of nightmares, or worse, addiction, or stupor. Unlike the modern synthetic drug Valium, which was modeled on the scientific information gained by the investigation of Valerian Root, and can cause these unpleasant side effects.
Combination: Indian Tobacco, Blue Vervain, Scullcap, Hops, Valerian Root.
Recommended Dosage: 10 to 40 drops as needed.
Directions on label: For adults, mix 2 ml of extract in 2 oz (60 ml) of water one time daily preferably with a meal.

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