Paw Paw Cell Regulator™ from Nature’s Sunshine Products contains herbs historically used to support the immune system and selectively affect specific cells.
- Supports the immune system.
Paw Paw - Selectively affects specific cells.
- Modulates ATP production in specific cells.
- Modulates blood supply to specific cells.
Nature’s Sunshine pioneered the use of paw paw trees for the immune system. Carefully analyzed before its release, Paw Paw was found to have highly concentrated levels of acetogenins. These compounds have the ability to modulate the production of energy in cells. Our wild-crafted trees grow in nutrient-rich soil in the central US where they are harvested using methods that provide for maximum sustainability. Our Paw Paw is non-GMO verified and Kosher-certified.
Launched in the Spring of 2003, Paw Paw quickly became a favorite product for cellular support. Led by Nature’s Sunshine’s science team, Paw Paw material was fully researched for its efficacy and potency. Historically, Paw Paw fruit was grown and consumed by several different Native American tribes. It was also said to be a favorite treat of George Washington! It’s described as a happy blend of cantaloupe, banana, mango and pineapple.
NOTE: Co-Q10, Thyroid Support and 7-Keto may decrease the effectiveness of this product. Only those with cellular abnormalities should take this product on a regular/daily basis. Do not take this product if you are pregnant, think you may become pregnant, or if you are breastfeeding.
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