PC-C – Blood – Liver Corrective Pure Herbs Liquid Extract, think Essiac tea, bad cells, corrects the blood and liver functions, provides a continuing poison antidote effect.
PC-C – Blood – Liver Corrective – Two prominent American herbalists, Pat Courter and Pat Castro, both, individually, recommended the production of this combination PC-C to correct liver – blood based on observable results. Thus, it bears their initials.
The herbal formula itself is the product of those who have gone before and left it as their legacy in the war against “bad cells”, also know by some as “cancer”. For many years users have sung its praises and recommended its use. It is not a scientific formula. It is the product of desperation and prayer, not science. It is, however, difficult to argue with success, even if “scientists” don’t have their “proof” before they would accept it.
In the meantime, thousands perish needlessly for lack of knowledge or alternatives. In that vacuum, P.C.-C – Blood – Liver Corrective steps in to offer hope for desperate conditions.
The action of this formula works strongly to clean and correct the blood and liver functions. P.C.-C cleans, corrects, nourishes healthy cells, strengthens the immune system, oxygenates, dissolves and provides a continuing poison anti-doting effect. “Bad cells” can not continue their existence in the presence of such action on the body.
COMBINATION: Burdock, Slippery Elm, Turkey Rhubarb, Sheep Sorrel and Marshmallow Root.
DOSE: 80 drops per day to prevent problems. 1 Tbl., 3 times per day, to correct the condition of “bad cells”. Also, an external application to the affected area can be of great assistance in correcting the problem. Use the procedure which follows:
Possible Directions on label: For adults, mix 2 ml of extract in 2 oz (60 ml) of water one time daily preferably with a meal.
Apply directly to the skin of the affected area, one after the other:
1. VITAMIN E form 100 i.u. capsules
2. HERBAL ADJ. (SEE: Herbal Adj.)
Then, soak a single layer of cheese cloth or absorbent gauze with P.C.- C. Place the cloth over the area. Lay a piece of plastic sandwich wrap over this, cover with another cloth and fix in place. Leave on overnight, each night, until the area is corrected. In the morning, remove and discard the gauze (never reuse the gauze). Wash the area and allow to dry. If needed, a daytime application, in the same manner, can be done to speed the healing process.

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