PMS-W – Pre-Menstrual Pure Herbs Liquid Extract used Historically for Pre-Menstrual, normalizes estrogen levels, provides calcium and minerals to relieve cramping, headaches, fluid retention, depression, calms nerves.
PMS-W – Pre-Menstrual Pure Herbs Liquid Extract was formulated to help with the miseries connected with body chemistry imbalance known as PMS or the pre-menstrual time during the monthly cycle. As the cycle of new life approaches in the woman’s body, preparation is made to clear out the old and make way for the new. Nutritional requirements characteristically soar during this time and when not attended to, misery and suffering can occur. PMS-W is an herbal combination which can furnish the necessary calcium and vital minerals to stop cramping, to calm nerves, prevent fluid retention and headache, and make for a gentle sequence of events. Ovaries, uterus and the birth canal are nourished, gently cleansed, soothed, repaired and strengthened.
Dong Quai – when P.M.S. (Pre-Menstrual-Syndrome) occurs and there is too much estrogen, Dong Quai Pure Herbs Liquid Extract is recommended. When menopause occurs there is too little estrogen, once again, Dong Quai Pure Herbs Liquid Extract is recommended. In both cases, Dong Quai can handle the job. This causes people who work with synthetic estrogen in the orthodox medical field much consternation and head shaking. They are used to drugs that act in a limited manner with possible undesirable side effects and not the safe balanced multi-task capability with which many herbs are endowed.
Note: Use of the tampon is not advised, as it has been associated with a potentially fatal occurrence known as toxic shock syndrome. This is caused by the flow being held too close to the uterus and providing an incubated blood medium for varying degrees of infection. Due to the lack of pain receptors in the cervix (exit of the uterus into the vaginal vault), an infection can be in full operation for some time before discomfort is felt and detected. Therefore, for your safety, the napkin is recommended.
COMBINATION: Dong Quai, Stone Root, Red Raspberry Leaf, Partridge Berry, Blessed Thistle, Back Cohosh, Wild Yam.
DOSE: 40 drops, 1 to 3 times per day, starting 10 days before and during the flow.
Reproductive system herbs from Pure Herbs Ltd.

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