PN-W – Prenatal Pure Herbs Liquid Extract used Historically for Prenatal, promotes normal development, prevents miscarriage, nourishment for expectant mothers, builds strong uterus.
PN-W – Prenatal Pure Herbs Liquid Extract was formulated to be a Pre-Natal combination for the mother-to-be. So much can be done before conception and during the development of the baby, during the months of pregnancy, to ensure a happy and healthy mother and baby. Mothers-to-be and Mothers and their babies are a joy to one and all. A Naturopathic Doctor loves to see mother have an easy time of pregnancy and to have an easy and quick delivery with a healthy, happy baby as the result.
Families are the backbone of all societies. Having a baby is a natural occurrence and should not be treated like a “dis-ease”. Women were having babies long before there were people calling themselves doctors. Women knew what to eat and how to help each other. Recorded in the diaries of the earliest white explorers of North America was the amazement over the ease and quickness with which the original North American inhabitants had their childbirth. The child came, and the same day the mothers were on their feet and resuming their duties, while feeding and caring for their newborn. No sterile hospital, no hospital bill, no cutting, no trauma, no cow’s milk, no post partum psychosis (emotional disturbance after delivery).
How did these women do it? HERBS! They used Red Raspberry Leaf to build a strong uterus, and Blessed Thistle to insure proper oxygenation and ability to nurse, as well as hormone stabilization. False Unicorn Root and Crampbark ensure pregnancy and prevent miscarriage, Ginger for circulation and proper digestion without nausea. Partridge Berry (Squaw Vine) to ensure proper muscle tone to form the full, normal contractions of birth and prevent infection. Together, we have a superior pre-natal program and the constituents of a proven herbal combination for all these purposes. Watch your diet, use a bowel maintenance program (SEE: Cascara Sagrada, C.C.E.-W, Buckthorn, Senna) and have a beautiful, healthy baby.
COMBINATION: Red Raspberry Leaf, Blessed Thistle, False Unicorn Root, Crampbark, Ginger, Partridge Berry.
DOSE: Before conception and during pregnancy and for a few weeks after pregnancy, to ensure proper placement and normalization of uterus and reproductive area, take 40 drops after each meal, or 3 times per day.
Possible Directions on label: For adults, mix 2 ml of extract in 2 oz (60 ml) of water one time daily preferably with a meal.

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