Potassium Combination
from Nature’s Sunshine Products traditionally used to support the urinary system, kidney function and to drive excess sodium from the body.
This macro mineral, enhanced by botanicals like kelp, alfalfa, dulse, horseradish and horsetail, plays a critical role in supporting energy, kidney function and urinary health.
180 CT
- Supports the urinary system.
- Delivers 84 mg of potassium per serving
- Provides a unique, synergistic plant-based formu
- Helps generate energy.
- Drives excess sodium from the body.
- Supports kidney function.
Combination Potassium is a unique herbal formula that includes botanicals and elemental potassium, providing a wide range of naturally occurring trace minerals that support general health.
Potassium fulfills a long list of jobs in the body, including helping to regulate water balance (via the active transport pump), maintaining pH balance, maintaining blood pressure levels already within the normal range and supporting neuromuscular function. Although there’s plenty of potassium in many natural foods, commercial over-processing results in the loss of potassium and increases the sodium content. The ratio may be as high as 4:1 in favor of sodium. In addition, certain diseases and physical exertion can also deplete the body of potassium. Adequate potassium levels are essential for the body’s active transport pump, which moves nutrients into cells. This herbal formula provides essential potassium from several rich, natural sources.
Potassium was first isolated by Sir Humphry Davy in 1807. It was the first metal to be isolated using electrolysis. Records show that people in ancient Greece and Rome ate kelp as a food source. And in China, they have been eating various types of kelp for more than 2,000 years! Northern Europeans (on the other side of the Atlantic) were dining on dulse as far back as 600 A.D. Historically, it was used for its tonic effects. Horseradish root comes from the Balkan region. The Ancient Greeks used it for discomfort. In the Middle Ages, people used both the leaves and roots for health. More recently, horseradish has been recommended in support of the urinary system and for respiratory health.
Ingredients: Potassium, kelp leaf and stem, alfalfa aerial parts, dulse frond, horseradish root, white cabbage leaf, horsetail stem and strobilus.
Recommended Use: Take 2 capsules with a meal three times daily.
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