Red Raspberry Leaf – Pregnancy Pure Herbs Liquid Extract used Historically for Pregnancy, enriches mother’s milk, prenatal, strengthen uterus, niacin source, iron source, manganese source, selenium source, healthy elastic connective tissues, wrinkle control.
Red Raspberry Leaf – Pregnancy Pure Herbs Liquid Extract is a good tasting tonic for entire system. Its iron-rich leaves make healthy blood and provide energy. Red Raspberry Leaf Pure Herbs Liquid Extract is a must for pregnant women and those contemplating a pregnancy. Red Raspberry Leaf Pure Herbs Liquid Extract contain the needed amounts of the minerals iron and selenium, respectively, for energy and prevention of tissue breakdown. Red Raspberry Leaf Pure Herbs Liquid Extract are among the highest known sources of the mineral manganese. Manganese plays a key role in the production of strong connective tissue and the basis for healthy bones.
Red Raspberry Leaf Pure Herbs Liquid Extract also provide impressive amounts of natural Vitamin C for protection from poisons and to ensure healthy elastic body tissues. It is now known that Red Raspberry eaves also contain a generous supply of what we call Niacin (Vitamin B-3). Niacin improves peripheral circulation (circulation in the blood vessels near the surface of the body). As it does its work, a beneficial “warm-tingly-purple-blush” is sometimes noticed.
Thus, it is today that we understand some of the basis upon which the advice to expectant women to take Red Raspberry Leaf Pure Herbs Liquid Extract rests, for it had long been observed that Red Raspberry Leaf Pure Herbs Liquid Extract can help build a strong uterus, quiet premature pains and promote a safe, quick, easy delivery. Nausea during pregnancy is relieved and prevented through the use of Red Raspberry Leaf tea. Red Raspberry Leaf Pure Herbs Liquid Extract helps prevent spotting, miscarriage and hemorrhage when taken throughout pregnancy, and relieve afterbirth pains. Red Raspberry Leaf Pure Herbs Liquid Extract enriches mother’s milk. Take daily each time a child is being carried, as every pregnancy is a new and different uterus. 40 drops, following meals, during and after pregnancy. RRed Raspberry Leaf Pure Herbs Liquid Extract is especially soothing to children for stomach and bowel complaints. Give if prolapsed (fallen) uterus or anus.
DOSE: For children, 1 to 5 drops, every 1 to 2 hours while awake. During pregnancy, and those contemplating pregnancy, take 40 to 80 drops 3 times per day and also after birth until uterus is normal in size. 40 to 80 drops, 3 times per day, to prevent excessive menstrual flow due to weakened body tissues.
Possible Directions on label: For adults, mix 2 ml of extract in 2 oz (60 ml) of water one time daily preferably with a meal.

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