RST-C – Repair Scar Tissue


RST-C – Repair Scar Tissue Pure Herbs Liquid Extract used Historically as an herbal blend to Repair Scar Tissue. Scar tissue can form in traumatized areas of low oxygenation

RST-C – Repair Scar Tissue Pure Herbs Liquid Extract used Historically as an herbal blend to Repair Scar Tissue. Scar tissue can form in traumatized areas of low oxygenation


RST-C – Repair Scar Tissue is an herbal formula from Pat Courter & Lynn Scott. Scar tissue can form in areas of low oxygenation, and in areas that have been traumatized. Pat has come to the conclusion that when stored shock or trauma are eliminated, it helps to relieve aches and pains caused by shock and trauma. It has been said that scar tissue can form within 48 hours after injury. For the best results: take RST-C internally, and apply externally along with Arnica, on the area of the skin near or on the affected organs, muscles, nerves, ligaments, bones or vertebrae. Arnica and RST-C work great together.

He Shou Wu Pure Herbs Liquid Extract ( he’-shoe-woo, sometimes also pronuouced ho’shoe-woo ) Is a well known and cherished herb in traditional Chinese medicine, whose scientific name is Polygonum multiflorum. It is now known, through modern investigative techniques, that He Shou Wu Pure Herbs Liquid Extract is very high in the vital trace element mineral, Selenium.

Calendula Salves and extracts of this plant, the original Marigold (not the garden variety), have been in use in Europe for centuries with great affection and appreciation. Taken internally, it has proven effective for jaundice, water retention, pockets of the colon and stomach problems as well as viral and bacterial invasion. Many reports from Germany and Austria indicate strengthened vision from continued use.

COMBINATION: refourmulated  All Cells Salts [Arrowroot, Bladderwrack, Irish Moss, Kelp], Calendula, Chickweed, Fo-Ti (He Shou Wu), White Mustard, Yellow Mustard

DOSE: Internally: begin with 10 to 20 drops 2-3 times a day; gradually build up to 40-80 drops 2-3 times, a day. Externally: enough to cover the area.

CAUTION: Do not exceed 80 drops three times a day of R.S.T.-C. The lymph glands carry most of the debris away and we do not want this cleansing action to occur so quickly that discomfort might result.

Possible Directions on label: For adults, mix 2 ml of extract in 2 oz (60 ml) of water one time daily preferably with a meal.

Scar Tissue formation

Information for Educational purposes only
Information for Educational purposes only
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