Sage – brain stimulant (Salvia officinalis; LABIATAE) Pure Herbs Liquid Extract used Historically as a brain stimulant, Sweat out poisons, sex stimulant, restores hair and hair color, balance Zinc and Copper.
Sage – brain stimulant Common Names: Garden Sage, Sage, Meadow Sage.
Parts Used: Leaves.
Bodily Influences: From historical English experience we hear there is no need to die if sage is in the garden. The strong, aromatic, camphorous odor along with the warm, mild bitter taste, has made it a favorite as flavoring for many soups and seasonings.
For those who desire no gray hair, Sage with Rosemary as a rinse and taken internally will restore and preserve hair color. However, with continued use, the hair may be somewhat darker than the original color. Indeed, hair loss (where the root is not destroyed) and dandruff can be remedied with Sage Pure Herbs Liquid extract massaged into the scalp.
Sage is a great regulator for sexual activity. Excessive desire, as well as enfeebled ability are both normalized. In taking enough Sage internally to care for hair, this side effect of normalized sexual activity may also be noted. As of yet, no complaints have been reported with these side effects.
To counteract night sweats, Sage has long been revered. Its effect on the Medulla oblongata (brain stalk) provides us with remedial action for breathing, heart and blood pressure problems. For those who use their voice for singing or public speaking, Sage is a remedy for laryngitis and produces a strong voice. Many recorded cases of periodic depression have been lifted by continued use, as depression can occur in many cases due to physical problems.
Recommended Dosage: 20 to 40 drops two times per day. As a rinse for the hair one part extract to 4 parts water.
Directions on label: For adults, mix 2 ml of extract in 2 oz (60 ml) of water one time daily preferably with a meal.
References: William Boericke, “Material Medica;” Alma R. Hutchens, “Indian Herbalogy of North America;” Dr. John Heinerman, “Science of Herbal Medicine;” Drs. George Wood & Franklin Bache, “The Dispensatory of the United Sates,” 12th Edition.

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