Wild Rose Hips – Longevity


Wild Rose Hips – Longevity (Rosa canina) Pure Herbs Liquid Extract used Historically for Longevity,  Vitamin C source  baffling disorders, bones and soft tissue, bumps, bruises and sprains, convalescence, cure for scurvy, gum dis-ease, plaque, hemorrhoids

SKU: HIP-1 Category:

Wild Rose Hips – Longevity (Rosa canina) Pure Herbs Liquid Extract used Historically for Longevity,  Vitamin C source  baffling disorders, bones and soft tissue, bumps, bruises and sprains, convalescence, cure for scurvy, gum dis-ease, plaque, hemorrhoids.


Wild Rose Hips – Longevity Common Names: Dog Rose, Bedeguar, Dog Rose Galls, Hep Tree, Hip Tree, Wild Brier, Brier Rose, Hip Fruit, Hips, Eglantine Gall, Hop Fruit, Hog Seed, Hip Seed.

Parts Used: Flowers, Seed Pods.

Wild Rose where the seed cradles the roses, located under the flower head after the petals drop, is called the “hip”. An extract of this “hip”, without its seeds, contains a pure natural Vitamin C. A true Wild Rose Hips Extract contains no chemical sour taste of synthetic Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) as an additive. Beware of Rose Hip extracts that say on the label, “with rosehips”; or list rose hips as one of the ingredients.

Wild Rose Hips Pure Herbs Liquid Extract contains not just Vitamin C, but also the supporting substances called bioflavonoids (“living colors”), such as rutin and hesperidin which, in turn, make the absorption of Vitamin C easier. In this way, the connective tissues of the body are made elastic and youthful. This prevents wrinkling and sagging, strengthens the blood vessels, capillaries (tiny blood vessels) included, and stops the inclination to bruise easily. Scurvy is a dis-ease which causes death with symptoms almost indistinguishable from degenerative aging. But there is good news. The Wild Rose Hips Pure Herbs Liquid Extract historically cures scurvy.

The Vitamin C in Wild Rose Hips Pure Herbs Liquid Extract is a poison antidote and increases the effectiveness of all other vitamins. With all these wonderful qualities, we can see why the Wild Rose Hip wraps its “babies” (the seeds) in a cradle of Vitamin C and associated substances. It is, then, no wonder that Wild Rose Hips Pure Herbs Liquid Extract easily qualifies as a life extender and protector.

Take Wild Rose Hips Pure Herbs Liquid Extract daily, as it does not store for more than a few days in the body. Cultivated roses are never used as a source for this extract, as they have lost the ability to bear seeds for offspring and are no longer tough enough to be “hardy survivors” like the friendly, familiar, Wild Rose. If you were ever curious what the hip of a Wild Rose would taste like, you may be pleasantly surprised.

DOSE: 5-20 drops, 3-4 times per day. If debilitated, or more serious cases needing body repair, 40 to 80 drops, 3 times per day.

Directions on label: For adults, mix 2 ml of extract in 2 oz (60 ml) of water one time daily preferably with a meal

Vitamin C T/R

Vitamin C Function

Weight N/A
Wild Rose Hips

1 ounce, 4 ounce


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