January 2025 sale – 15% off Sale ends January 30.
SD-R – Stone Dissolver Pure Herbs Liquid Extract used Historically as a Stone Dissolver by Ruben Schwartz, kidney, bladder. ((New Formula: Hydrangea, Marshmallow, Stone Root)
SD-R – Stone Dissolver by Practiced Amish Herbalist, Reuben Schwartz, recommends this highly successful herbal combination, as being “better than a hammer for smashing kidney and bladder stones and dissolving them”. The stones do not irritate in the process of dissolving, as the Marshmallow portion in this combination coats the particles and slides them out. making it the perfect stone dissolver
COMBINATION: Stone Root, Marshmallow Root, Hydrangea Root.
StoneRoot Pure Herbs Liquid Extract is used to break up and dissolve stones in kidneys and bladder, as well as waste mineral accumulations of circulatory and heart valves.
Marshmallow Pure Herbs Liquid Extract – The root of this plant is the source of the original Marshmallow candy still seen in supermarkets but no longer made from the plant. Three virtues characterize Marshmallow Pure Herbs Liquid Extract’s corrective properties. The root is particularly rich as a source of Calcium, Oxygen, and Pectin (jelling agent like that found under the peelings of apples). This combination of virtues is tailor made for soothing inflammation in any hollow organ, especially lungs, urinary system and reproductive system as well as the food canal.
Hydrangea Pure Herbs Liquid Extract ( Hi’-dran-gee-uh ) Is known by many herbalists, as an old friend, trusted and tried, for the kidneys and bladder. This friendship also extends to the urethra (u’-reath-ruh), the tube leading from the bladder which exits the body. Hydrangea Pure Herbs Liquid Extract also cares for the ureters (u’reet-ers), two tubes, one from each kidney, connecting the kidneys to the bladder.
DOSE: 40 to 80 drops hourly, while awake, with a glass of water until dissolved. A slower approach is 80 drops three times per day.
Possible Directions on label: For adults, mix 2 ml of extract in 2 oz (60 ml) of water one time daily preferably with a meal.

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