Small Intestine Detox from Nature’s Sunshine Products contains Marshmallow and Pepsin historically used to support and sooth the digestive system.
- Supports digestive system
- Soothes digestive system
- Helps with digestive system problems
Small Intestine Detox supports the digestive system with:
- Marshmallow has a high mucalage content, which may help to sooth mucus membranes found in the digestive tract.
- Pepsin is produced naturally in the body to digest protein
Marshmallow root is the root of the marshmallow plant. This is the plant that is processed to create the well-known marshmallows that you add to desserts and hot chocolate, but the root has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. Dating back to ancient Egypt, marshmallow root has been cultivated and applied due to its impressive nutrient content, which includes starch, pectin, various antioxidants, organic acids, and natural sugars. [1]
The actual marshmallow root is yellow, thick and quite long. The root is commonly dried after it is removed from the plant, where it can be further processed into various medicinal treatments, ointments, teas, and salves.

Other Intestinal Products from Nature’s Sunshine Products
Ingredients: Marshmallow and pepsin
Recommended Use: Take 2 capsules with a meal three times daily. For best results, use with Bowel Detox.
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