Spongia Tosta – Wheezing


Spongia Tosta single homeopathic remedy indicated for symptom of Wheezing, Cough, Hoarseness.  Homeopathics are dilutions of substance to help the body heal

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Spongia Tosta single homeopathic remedy indicated for symptom of Wheezing, Cough, Hoarseness.  Homeopathics are dilutions of substance to help the body heal

4 dram vial size. 900 count of 2.5mm pellets.

Spongia tosta is a homeopathic remedy commonly used for croup-like cough – the cough sounds like a saw driven through a board. The patient is worse on awakening out of sleep – a violent loud cough, great alarm, agitation, and apprehension.  The cough is worse from talking, reading, singing, swallowing, and lying with head low. This remedy is made from roasted sponge from the sea.

Spongia tosta
     Roasted Sponge

A remedy especially marked in the symptoms of the respiratory organs, cough, croup, etc. Heart affections and often indicated for the tubercular diathesis. Children with fair complexion, lax fiber; swollen glands. EXHAUSTION AND HEAVINESS OF THE BODY AFTER SLIGHT EXERTION, WITH ORGASM OF BLOOD TO CHEST, FACE. ANXIETY AND DIFFICULT BREATHING.

Anxiety and fear. Every excitement increases the cough.

Rush of blood; bursting headache; worse, forehead.

Watering; gummy or mucus discharge.

Fluent coryza, alternating with stoppage. Dryness; chronic, dry, nasal catarrh.

Tongue dry and brown; full of vesicles.

Thyroid gland swollen. Stitches and dryness. Burning and stinging. Sore throat; worse after eating sweet things. Tickling causes cough. Clears throat constantly.

Excessive thirst, GREAT HUNGER. Cannot bear tight clothing around trunk. Hiccough.


Female – Before menses, pain in sacrum, hunger, PALPITATION. DURING MENSES, wakes with suffocative spells. (CUPR.; IOD.; LACH.) Amenorrhoea, with asthma. (PULS.)

Great dryness of all air-passages. HOARSENESS; LARYNX DRY, BURNS, CONSTRICTED. Cough, DRY, BARKING, CROUPY; larynx sensitive to touch. CROUP; WORSE, DURING INSPIRATION AND BEFORE MIDNIGHT. Respiration short, panting, DIFFICULT; FEELING OF A PLUG IN LARYNX. COUGH ABATES AFTER EATING OR DRINKING, especially warm drinks. The dry, chronic sympathetic cough or organic heart disease is relieved by Spongia. (NAJA.) Irrepressible cough from a spot deep in chest, as if raw and sore. Chest weak; can scarcely talk. Laryngeal phthisis. Goitre, with suffocative spells. Bronchial catarrh, with wheezing, asthmatic cough, worse cold air, with profuse expectoration and suffocation; worse, lying with head low and in hot room. Oppression and heat of chest, with sudden weakness.

Rapid and violent palpitation, with dyspnoea; cannot lie down; also feels best resting in horizontal position. AWAKENED SUDDENLY AFTER MIDNIGHT WITH PAIN AND SUFFOCATION; is flushed, hot, and frightened to death. (ACON.) Valvular insufficiency. Angina pectoris; faintness, and anxious sweat. Ebullition of blood, veins distended. SURGING OF HEART INTO CHEST, AS IF IT WOULD FORCE OUT UPWARD. Hypertrophy of heart, especially right, with asthmatic symptoms.

SWELLING AND INDURATION OF GLANDS; also exophthalmic; cervical glands swollen with tensive pain on turning head, painful on pressure; goitre. Itching; measles.

AWAKES IN A FRIGHT, AND FEELS AS IF SUFFOCATING. Generally worse after sleep, or sleeps into an aggravation. (LACH.)

ATTACKS OF HEAT WITH ANXIETY; heat and redness of face and perspiration.

WORSE, ascending, wind, before midnight.

BETTER, descending, lying with head low.

Compare: ACON.; HEP.; BROM.; LACH.; MERC. PROT.; IOD. (Goitre.)

Active ingredient: Spongia tosta [HPUS]. Inactive ingredients: Sucrose/lactose pellets.

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