
THIM-J from Nature’s Sunshine Products contains herbs historically used to aid thymus gland function and support the immune system.

THIM-J from Nature’s Sunshine Products contains herbs historically used to aid thymus gland function and support the immune system.


THIM-J supports the immune system and may aid thymus gland function and response. This formula contains antioxidants to neutralize dangerous free radicals and provides herbal sources of many trace minerals.


  • Supports thymus gland response and function
  • Provides immune system support
  • Rich in antioxidants

THIM-J contains herbs useful to support the immune system and aid thymus gland function and response.  THIM-J contains antioxidants to neutralize dangerous free radicals and provide herbal sources of many trace minerals.

The thymus is a small gland that’s part of your lymphatic system. Your lymphatic system is made up of a network of tissues, vessels and organs such as your tonsils, spleen and appendix. Your lymphatic system is a part of your immune system. It helps defend against infection and disease.

Your thymus is a small gland in the lymphatic system that makes and trains special white blood cells called T-cells. The T-cells help your immune system fight disease and infection. Your thymus gland produces most of your T-cells before birth. The rest are made in childhood and you’ll have all the T-cells you need for life by the time you hit puberty.

The primary function of the thymus gland is to train special white blood cells called T-lymphocytes or T-cells. White blood cells (lymphocytes) travel from your bone marrow to your thymus. The lymphocytes mature and become specialized T-cells in your thymus.

Ingredients: Vitamin A, rose hips fruit, wheatgrass aerial parts, red clover flowers, parsley leaves,
eleuthero root, cabbage leaves, broccoli flowers and horseradish root.

Recommended Use: Take 2 capsules with a meal three times daily.

Other Immune system Products from Nature’s Sunshine Products

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