
UR.-W – Urinary – infections


UR.-W – Urinary – infections Pure Herbs Liquid Extract used Historically for Urinary infections, stones, bedwetting. (Cornsilk, Uva Ursi, Stone Root, Buchu, Yarrow).

UR.-W – Urinary – infections Pure Herbs Liquid Extract used Historically for Urinary infections, stones, bedwetting. (Cornsilk, Uva Ursi, Stone Root, Buchu, Yarrow).


UR.-W – Urinary – infections Pure Herbs Liquid Extract is an herbal combination developed for urinary infections and urinary tract problems of all kinds, corrects burning, reduces swelling of prostate and uterus, pinching, pressure, tightens urinary sphincter control to correct incontinence and dissolves stones of the kidneys and bladder.

When using a kidney formula for dissolving accumulated waste or flushing out infections, it is a good idea to drink at least 6 glasses of a good spring water per day, or “Green Drink” can be taken at the rate of 1 cup full, every hour, while awake.

Prepare a live green drink by blending 1 handful of any fresh, edible green leaves of lettuce (no iceberg head lettuce please) with 1 pint (1/2 liter, 16 ounces) of water. Blend for one minute and filter through a paper coffee filter, if desired. Make fresh daily, and chill in the refrigerator to keep throughout the day. If going out, then take an insulated vacuum bottle along for hourly use.

If urine flow has stopped, then liberally apply UR-W Pure Herbs Liquid Extract directly to the kidney areas on the back which are under and above the last ribs. Apply several times until the urinary flow resumes. If a stubborn problem that requires more intensive work, then apply Vitamin E from 100 i.u. capsules (i.u. stands for International Unit and is a measure of liquid vitamins) to prevent irritation. Next, especially if there is pain, apply Herbal Adj. and Peppermint Oil or Oil of Cajeput directly to the skin. Then, soak a single layer of absorbent gauze or cheese cloth with UR.-W and lay this over the kidney area. Cover with plastic sandwich wrap and finally, wrap a cloth around the body to hold all in place. This procedure is known as a fomentation (fo’-men-tay-shun). Leave on overnight, each night, until well. This can be repeated for the daytime, if needed. Wash the area and allow to dry before putting on a new fomentation. Never reuse a fomentation as this time-release procedure not only drives the herbs into the affected area, it also pulls poisons out of the body in the reverse direction.

Take internally, daily, to correct infections and prevent problems. For men and women it is very important to have a good bowel maintenance program, in conjunction with solving urinary problems, to guard against bowel wastes being reabsorbed and irritating the surrounding areas. (SEE: Cascara Sagrada, CCE-W, Buckthorn) For women it is important to use the napkin instead of the tampon, as the tampon holds irritants internally that aggravate surrounding areas. If additional assistance is needed, then consider the use of Pipsissewa (or Blue Cohosh if not pregnant) in case venereal infections may be related to the suffering, at the rate of 40 drops, 3 times per day.

Herbal Combination: Cornsilk, Uva Ursi, Gravel Root, Buchu, Yarrow.

Recommended Dosage: As a daily maintenance of the urinary tract, 30 to 40 drops per day. If an active problem, then 40 to 80 drops internally, after meals, or hourly while awake, in times of crisis and as given above.

Directions on label: For adults, mix 2 ml of extract in 2 oz (60 ml) of water one time daily preferably with a meal.

Information on Chronic Urinary Infections

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