Wintergreen Oil – Pain Relief


Wintergreen Oil (Gaultheria procumbens) Pure Herbs Liquid Extract used Historically for Natural Aspirin, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, joint, muscle, tendon, bone and nerve pain. Astringent, expels mucus, relieves gas, stimulant, brings on stubborn menstrual flow.

Wintergreen Oil – Pain Relief (Gaultheria procumbens) Pure Herbs Liquid Extract used Historically for pain relief, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, joint, muscle, tendon, bone and nerve pain. Astringent, expels mucus, relieves gas, stimulant, brings on stubborn menstrual flow.


Wintergreen Oil – Pain Relief Common Name: Checkerberry, Spring Winterberry, Canada tea, Boxberry, Wax cluster, Sprice Berry, Mountain Tea.

Parts Used: Whole Plant

Wintergreen can mean any of many small, hardy evergreen herbs about six inches tall, or if you prefer, 15 centimeters tall, that grow as a kind of ground cover.   It is found in abundance in the North Eastern region of North America (U.S. and Canada)  The best known type of Wintergreen is Gaultheria procumbens.

Wintergreen has leathery, green, broad leaves and loves to grow as a thick carpet in the partial shade of the woods in its rich earth, but can be found on open ranges too.  Its most common name of Wintergreen is due to its leaves remaining green in winter.  Its white bell-like flowers produce edible scarlet red berries that taste spicy and refreshing with a texture somewhat like a moist, ground up nut or grain.

Contained within the entire plant is an ache and discomfort relieving, compound similar to aspirin.  The chemical name for this compound is salicylate (suh-liss’-us-late).

The natural oil of the Wintergreen plant is almost 98% salicylate in the form of methyl (meth’-ul) salicylate.  It is found in a number of places in everyday life, classified as a flavoring agent.  Wintergreen oil can be found in toothpaste, common beverages such as root beer and Coca Cola and chewing gum.

In the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia Wintergreen is listed as a specific remedy for rheumatoid arthritis.  For use with painful joints, muscles tendons, bones or nerves applied externally.

Wintergreen Oil – Pain Relief Pure Herbs Liquid Extract works in two ways, first to quickly relieve discomfort and secondly to break up uric (your-ick) acid or other deposits.  Once these deposits are broken up, the body can flush them out.  Drinking Peppermint or Alfalfa tea will encourage the kidneys to go to work to flush the body out.

The American Indians knew Wintergreen well and appreciated it for the taste of its refreshing berries.  They lived outside without our modern heating which can be stressful on the joints and used the boiled Wintergreen to relieve the discomfort.   They not only drank the tea to treat coughs, loosen mucus, and relieve discomfort, they wrapped body parts with it as well.

The natural oil is seldom used these days because there is a synthetic oil which is so plentiful and cheap. Herbalist, however, demand the real thing and enjoy its added benefits, even if it does cost a little more.

The natural plant has a control mechanism built into it so you don’t have to sorry about side effects.  Wintergreen Oil Pure Herbs Liquid Extract us used mainly externally, although a small amount can be brushed on the tongue as needed.

Wintergreen Oil “tightens” or tones living tissue and is a non-habit forming stimulant.

Recommended Dosage: As stated, Wintergreen Oil is a pain reliever.  It handles swellings and can be rubbed on rheumatism areas for relief.  Apply to the chest to break up mucus and brush a little on the tongue.

Directions on label: For adults, mix 2 ml of extract in 2 oz (60 ml) of water one time daily preferably with a meal

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