Bayberry – Astringent


Pure Herbs Bayberry – Astringent (Myrica cenfera, L.)  Liquid Extract has been historically used as a Deobstruent (removes obstructions), astringent (tighten the tissues), sinuses, nasal polyps, vaginal polyps, tonic, Alimentary Canal mucus cleaner, depurative (purifies), ear and eye problems

Pure Herbs Bayberry – Astringent (Myrica cenfera, L.)  Liquid Extract has been historically used as a Deobstruent (removes obstructions), astringent (tighten the tissues), sinuses, nasal polyps, vaginal polyps, tonic, Alimentary Canal mucus cleaner, depurative (purifies), ear and eye problems.


Bayberry – Astringent – Common Names: Candleberry, Waxberry, Arbre-a-suif

Parts Used: Bark

Bayberry aids digestion and removes morbid disease-nourishing material from the alimentary canal. The esteemed Greek physician Claudius Galen recognized Bayberry to drain acids and mucus from the brain through the tear ducts. Bayberry is the old dependable workhorse for cleaning sinuses and granting relief to pressures and pains in the head caused by the sinuses. In times of emergency for relief of sinus blockage, the powder can be sniffed into both nostrils. Although the effect may startle a person, it is effective within seconds to relieve the blockage.

A mixture of Bayberry, Goldenseal, Chickweed and Vitamin E oil together made into a paste and placed into the ear will correct a wide range of ear problems including loss of hearing, infections, pains, nerve damage and earache.  Bayberry is a good gargle for sore throat or spongy, bleeding gums. It is a remedy for clearing blood from the lungs, in the stool or bleeding from the uterus. Bayberry is a deobstruent and has no patience with debris that would block its function. Apply Pure Herbs Bayberry Liquid Extract directly to old and hard-to-heal sores.

Recommended Dosage:

30 to 60 drops three times per day as needed for sinus problems and persist until liquification and completion of draining occurs. This may take days or weeks as some sinus congestion is like layers of varnish and the sufferer is unaware of the problem. When sinuses are cleaned, vision often improves.

Directions on label: For adults, mix 2 ml of extract in 2 oz (60 ml) of water one time daily preferably with a meal.


Dr. Eugene C. Watkins, “Get Well With Natural Remedies.” Alma R. Hutchens, “Indian Herbalogy of North America;” Dr. John R. Christopher, “School of Natural Healing;”

Respiratory System Herbs


Weight N/A
Bayberry - Astringent

1 ounce, 4 ounce


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