B&B-W – Brain and Balance Pure Herbs Liquid Extract; Brain and Balance, historically used for inner-ear imbalance, Parkinson’s, Cerebral Palsy, hearing problems. – an excellent nervine to calm and repair nerves. B.&B.-W helps in the maintenance of a healthy nervous system and promotes a feeling of calmness.
B&B-W – Brain and Balance provide good results with calming the nerves have been noted by this extract nervine combination. Its properties relax cramping muscles and jangled nerves without making a zombie of a person, nor is energy robbed. Fascinating results have been reported on correcting equilibrium problems and hearing problems.
To work on earaches, ear problems, balance and repairing nerve tissue or to bring a person out of a coma, swab the ears with Vitamin E from 100 i.u. capsules, then insert a cotton ball into each ear soaked with ½ Garlic Extract and ½ B.& B.-W. Change every 3 hrs. during the day and each morning and night. Repeat until the condition is corrected. This procedure can also be used in cases of the dis-eases: multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus, Parkinson’s and related conditions.
Blue Vervain – Tonic Bodily Influences: Blue Vervain can often help a person obtain a calmer condition and the world appears less disturbing, when the pace of life pushes a person instead of them controlling it. In conditions of flabbiness and unambitious circulation, new vigor is afforded. The circulatory effect on the lymphatics is also greatly beneficial. Obstructions of circulation to the brain are removed and consequently the longstanding reputation of correcting epilepsy has been recorded.
Blue Cohosh – Hormone Regulator Pure Herbs Liquid Extract comes from the herb which Is found in rich soil of the broad-leafed forest. Its miniature, dusky, red flowers and blue stems respond to the first waves of spring before everything else has leafed out. The root knows its greatest service as a woman’s friend to nourish, regulate and repair the reproductive system. Hence, cramping, frequency of cycle, infections, and cleansing discharges are all part of its job. During the last two weeks of pregnancy, it is used for easy delivery.
COMBINATION: Blue Vervain, Blue Cohosh, Black Cohosh, Scullcap, Indian Tobacco.
DOSE: Internally, 10 to 40 drops, 3 to 4 times per day, and as given above.
Directions on label: For adults, mix 2 ml of extract in 2 oz (60 ml) of water one time daily preferably with a meal.

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