Ginkgo Biloba Extract TR


Ginkgo Biloba TR Extract from Nature’s Sunshine Products Kosher herb historically used to support memory and promote blood circulation and oxygen to brain

Ginkgo Biloba TR Extract from Nature’s Sunshine Products Kosher herb historically used to support memory and promote blood circulation and oxygen to brain


  • Helps protect blood vessels.
  • Promotes optimal blood circulation and oxygen to the brain.
  • Supports memory and concentration functions.
  • Helps support blood flow to the extremities.
  • Gives you the benefits of ginkgo extract all day long.
Memory trouble? Think ginkgo! Offering 120 mg of standardized, concentrated Ginkgo extract per time-release tablet for all-day benefits.
Ginkgo is a powerful free radical scavenger. It helps protect blood vessels and optimizes the amount of oxygen supplied to brain cells. Ginkgo may also help support blood flow to the extremities. Each tablet is 120 mg concentrated ginkgo leaf extract standardized to ginkgo flavone glycosides and terpene lactones.


The potency of ginkgo, also known as maidenhair, can be significantly influenced by the season and environment in which it is grown. While ginkgo trees can grow well in most temperate climates globally, our ginkgo is grown in its native Chinese soil. To ensure efficacy, our Gingko biloba features a powerful, standardized extract, providing 24% flavone glycosides and 6% terpene lactones. Additionally, our convenient time-release formula gives your body a steady flow of these good-for-you, circulatory-supporting constituents. Plus, it’s non-GMO and kosher- and halal-certified!


Indigenous to China, Japan and Korea, the ginkgo tree is one of the oldest in the world. They can live up to 1,000 years! Ginkgo has been prominently featured in Chinese medicine for millennia, where its seeds were used to open “channels” of energy to different organ systems, including the kidneys, liver, brain and lungs. This storied leaf has been used traditionally for circulatory and nervous system benefits, including brain health. And today, this unique, fan-shaped leaf is used for its protective effects against oxidative stress. With flavonoids, terpenoids and the unique terpene lactones ginkgolide and bilobalise, ginkgo supports blood flow throughout the body and promotes optimal circulation to the brain. Modern research on the ginkgo leaf has validated its potential for cognitive function, mood, memory, focus and as a powerful antioxidant.  In many European countries, ginkgo is recommended for its brain-supporting benefits.

Need more protection and support for the brain, try Brain Protex

Ingredients:  Ginkgo leaf extract.

Recommended Use: Take 1 tablet daily, preferably with the morning meal.

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