HT Combination – Heart Tonic Pure Herbs Liquid Extract used Historically as a Heart Tonic, nourish and strengthen heart, form of oral chelation, removes congesting fat, cholesterol triglycerides and waste mineral deposits from blood vessels.
HT Combination – Heart Tonic contains heart herbs which have been historically used to nourish the heart and repair valves, reduce swelling, restore feeble heart action, open congested heart blood vessels that are clogged, very slowly, so that the congestive debris is liquefied and flushed harmlessly from the body. Your body grows new soft tissue body every four months. You can make a tremendous difference in a year’s time with the regular use of Heart Tonic and walking for exercise.
Hawthorn is known to feed the heart muscle directly. It opens closed and cramping blood vessels to prevent attacks due to spastic muscles. Hawthorn is created in such a way that opening blood vessels occur without trapped debris clogging up a blood vessel somewhere else as it is released.
Myrrh is the gummy, bitter, exuded resin from the bark of thorny trees in the Middle Eastern countries. It was one of the three gifts given to Jesus of Nazareth at his birth. Myrrh has the undisputed reputation to function in the binding up of wounds and as a healer of open wounds. It is truly fit for a king. Research has shown that Myrrh is extremely effective in speeding up the flow of sluggish circulatory fluid.
Motherwort from the mint family is a bitter used by many of the Indian nations. It is one of their top heart medicines. Not only does it calm the nerves and prevent spasms, but acts as a tonic and helps regulate menstrual flow. Motherwort works on obstructions especially of the mucous type. The nerves to the heart and arteries are calmed and supported. Motherwort is a specific for albumen (egg white in the urine).
COMBINATION: Hawthorn Berries, Myrrh, Motherwort.
DOSE: 20 drops, twice per day for one week and thereafter, 40 drops, twice per day. or (3) Capsules (3) times per day.
Directions on label: For adults, mix 2 ml of extract in 2 oz (60 ml) of water one time daily preferably with a meal.
NOTE: The Hawthorn Berries in this combination enthusiastically clean out waste nitrites and nitrates from the heart area in their haste to prevent disaster. When this occurs, slight twinges or stings may occasionally be felt around the heart area. There is no cause for alarm, as no actual damage is occurring, only good things. Usually, after about a week, this work is done and the amount taken can be increased to 40 drops, twice per day, without alarming a person.
(liquid or capsules)
Heart failure symtoms and causes

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