HYG.-W – Hypoglycemia Pure Herbs Liquid Extract used Historically for Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), adrenals, stress, fatigue, energy.
HYG.-W – Hypoglycemia – Low blood sugar is a constant and ongoing problem for more people than you might imagine. Bad effects known to occur from low blood sugar could easily fill several, closely type-written pages. Essentially, what happens is that a person does not get and/or digest enough high quality protein and may also be deficient in the B-Complex Vitamins.
Protein stabilizes blood sugar, and the B-Complex of vitamins makes it possible for the nerves and brain to feed on its requirement of blood sugar. To stabilize blood sugar problems, protein should be taken at least 3 times per day, and in some cases it is necessary to take several small protein meals 4 or 5 times per day.
The B-Complex of vitamins is also best taken 3 or more times per day. Rice Bran Extract is an excellent source of the B-Complex. The B-Complex vitamins provide a person with a sense of “well being”. When they are not available, or digested, or absorbed and not present, the nerves cannot feed on the normal levels of blood sugar, and the sense of “well being” is lost.
The major digestive organ-gland, known as the pancreas, and the anti-stress glands, known as the adrenal glands, go into a state of desperation in a frantic attempt to stabilize vital body functions. The adrenal glands, one on top of each kidney, produce at least 2 dozen different anti-stress hormones and anti-stress compounds to stabilize the blood sugar and body.
Many people are addicted to refined sugar and white flour types of “food” in an attempt to keep their blood sugar up. This causes more harm than good, as these types of refined carbohyydrates (sugar and starch) are burned too quickly and, after a momentary surge of energy, are gone and leave the person feeling “burned out”. Eating more “junk foods” to solve the problem adds to the misery, because they do not contain the complete normal and natural profile of the B-Complex vitamins. They actually take Vitamin B’s out of the system to digest.
The nervous system gets only a rapid spurt of energy, then crashes and the personality suffers. Bizarre symptoms can occur. In general, there is an over-reaction of the pancreas to make a hormone known as insulin. Then, the refined sugar and starches from cakes, cookies, ice cream, candy bars, soda pop, sugary breakfast cereals, white bread and white pasta can cause us much grief. Some people have a steady diet of this sort of incomplete food, commonly known as “junk food”.
A person could just as easily say “robbed foods”, as they are depleted of their proteins, vitamins and minerals in the refining process, to remove anything that could spoil, to increase shelf life and to look pretty. The point is, if it won’t “spoil”, it probably won’t digest properly. After the refining “junk food” gets a few unbalanced chemical vitamins and some crude elemental minerals from the ground added back to it, and then it is legally called “enriched”. The result is a perversion of nutrition. Eating this kind of food can produce just about any kind of unpleasant symptom around. A few examples are: headaches, skin problems, menstrual irregularities, surges of temper and/or destructiveness, inability to concentrate or reason, attention deficits, a feeling of “drifting off”, dandruff, hyperactivity, abnormal tongue appearances, sore mouth, sore tongue, cracks at the corners of the mouth, constipation, colds, flu, teeth problems, gum problems, over weight, etc.
The way to break these vicious circles of suffering is to have high quality protein, of your choice, at each meal, as tolerated, to satisfaction. Take a digest aid with it, if necessary, adequate B-Complex Vitamins and, of course, eliminate the “junk foods”. These kinds of foods are generally composed of refined sugars such as white sugar, “brown sugar” (actually white sugar with a little natural coloring in it), corn syrup, white flour types of crackers, cakes, cookies, pies, assorted “crummy yummies”, “brown breads” that are spongy and not heavy when you pick them up, regardless of being called “whole wheat” or “rye bread”. “Junk foods” rely on chemical dyes, chemical flavorings and chemical preservatives to trick the tongue, make them look pretty, and extend their shelf life.
Many people feel they cannot eat protein foods because they have allergies to them, or bloat when they eat them. With a digest-aid, such as Sweet Root, they may be able to do so. HYG.-W – Hypoglycemia Pure Herbs Liquid Extract contains the digest-aids Sweet Root and Juniper Berry, as well as Rice Bran for the B-Complex, and liquid Bee Pollen for protein. Rice Bran provides the complete, natural, balanced spectrum of all the Vitamin B’s for proper nervous system nutrition and a sense of “well being”. Licorice Root, Juniper Berry, and Bee Pollen, are a powerhouse combination for the adrenal glands, so that you have some get-up-and-go without having to crash after taking them. Sweet Root and Juniper Berry not only assist the pancreas to digest your food, they provide this digestive organ-gland with a helping hand to digest food. This gives the pancreas time to repair itself from past abuses by sharing the digestive work load.
When baffling symptoms occur and you see the person is more or less addicted to refined carbohydrates, it is a good bet to think low blood sugar and use HYG.-W – Hypoglycemia Pure Herbs Liquid Extract.
COMBINATION: Bee Pollen, Licorice Root, Rice Bran, Sweet Root, Juniper Berry.
DOSE: 10 to 40 drops, 3 times per day. Increase as needed, to get results.
Directions on label: For adults, mix 2 ml of extract in 2 oz (60 ml) of water one time daily preferably with a meal.

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