KB-C TCM Concentrate, Chinese [Structural, Urinary] contains a highly concentrated blend of herbs used for kidney and bone support.
Chinese TCM Concentrate products meet California Standards
Nourish your kidneys and strengthen your bones with this innovative Chinese blend, featuring eucommia and achyranthes—herbs that help nourish kidney yang and more.
•Strengthens the urinary system.
•Supports the structural system, specifically the bones
•May help the body restore energy.
Its Chinese name jian gu can be translated to mean “strengthen the bones.” It is designed to strengthen the water element. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is used to nourish the kidneys and nutritionally support the urinary and structural systems, eliminating water and providing extra joint support. Its primary herbs include achyranthes and eucommia.
This supplement contains 18 herbs:
Eucommia bark
Cistanche stem
Achyranthes root
Dipsacus root
Drynaria rhizome
Hoelen sclerotium
Morinda root
Rehmannia root tuber
Astragalus root
Cornus fruit without seeds
Dang gui root
Dioscorea rhizome
Epimedium leaf
Ligustrum fruit
Liquidamber fruit
Lycium fruit
Panax ginseng root
Atractylodes rhizome
This formula contains the same herbs found in KB-C but in a highly concentrated blend. Its Chinese name jian gu can be translated to mean “strengthen the bones.” It is designed to strengthen the water element. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, this formula is used to nourish the kidneys and nutritionally support the urinary and structural systems, eliminating water and providing extra joint support. Chinese herbalists believe eucommia nourishes the kidney yang and the ligaments and bones. Eucommia has been used for centuries in the Far East for weakness. No single Western herb has been found to substitute for these qualities. Chinese herbalists also believe achyranthes relieves the body of excess fluids and strengthens it. They hold that achyranthes strengthens the liver, kidneys, bones and tendons. It has been used for convalescence, comfort and certain gynecological needs.
Our Chinese herbal blends carefully follow the principles of ancient Chinese Medicine that have been practiced for more than two millennia. KB-C TCM orJian gu is designed to “strengthen the bones.” These good-for-you herbs were selected for their many beneficial properties.
For more than 35 years, we’ve partnered with the same incredible vendor to collaborate with farmers in traditional communities to bring only the finest herbs from China to the US. And we’ve conducted multiple on-site audits throughout the years to re-verify the quality of both their facility and herbs. Our farmers are deeply attached to the land they have lived on and worked for generations, and they practice regenerative farming methods to preserve it for future use.
High in the mountain regions of China you find eucommia trees, part of the rubber tree family. Its Chinese name Du zhong came from a Taoist monk who was allegedly immortal. This suggests that the herb helps convey longevity, health and vitality.
Achyranthes grows in China, Japan, India and Nepal. Historical use includes the encouragement of urinary flow. In Nepal, they also use the juice from this root for oral applications.
Drynaria has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for more than a thousand years to build bone strength.
In Traditional Asian medicine, hoelen (Poria cocos) has been used for centuries to increase urinary flow.
NOTE: Pregnant or lactating women should consult their health care provider prior to taking this supplement.
Adults: Take one capsule with a meal daily.
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